Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Afraid since I dont have the Chally 2 yet I wouldnt know.

Well, if you load hesh it explodes, if you dont then it did not, at least 2 updates ago, i would need to check

Well that’s nice…. Sorry for the picture quality as I can’t be asked to open up the forums on my pc.

Yea, that was reported, long ago

A year ago…… who doesn’t love playing a nation that is so loved by gaijin. It’s the drip, that’s what I say to myself. Who wouldn’t want to play such a beautiful machine.

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I find Cr2s good looking, sadly the way they are made could be better…

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The tanks are modelled on the hot suspension, meaning the gas in them is heated up and at they are the driving height, the tanks on the pictures are on cold.

I need your help guys, as im having a problem with this for some reason
Is the suspension set too high, or are the side skirts too small?

Im simply unable to pinpoint what is the problem for some reason
Im going to report wrong road wheels and suspension arms models. Now the thing is are the sideskirts too small or if the suspension is set too high.
Man BN also looks wrong

it seems to me that sideskirts are too small, but i just cant get the feeling out of my heat that something is wrong with the wheels

YES, the arms are different and sideskirts are too small
OR are the road wheels sitting to high?


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The sideskirts are indeed too small. Are the wheels the right size, though?


That is just what i looked at. I think they are too small…

no wait
suspension is too high
But are the wheels right size?
I just had to look at the suspension yesterday, i could have slept better without doing so
But that would mean that in game the top track would lay on the top of the road wheels if it gets in suspension gets moved up. WHAT A MESS


You’re probably right about the suspension; I’m not sure about the wheels; they look okay-ish. Someone would have to measure them.


Comparing where the skirts are mounted they seem fine so unless the wheels are the wrong size which is doubtful as they wouldnt fit, the suspension looks to be too high

The top rollers are also much closer to the wheels irl than in game

SO im left with
All Cr2 and Cr3 too high on suspension, tracks too loose
Cr2 BN wrong suspension
Cr3 Wrong suspension and road wheels

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Now, is setting it up so high on suspension intentional or is it a mistake? Can even Cr2 lift itself like that irl?

Oh and challenger 2 with lower plate ERA when?

Here, Base 2 with 2E installed and 2F early

disregard last then

But that would mean, that side blocks are too big

my very simple drawing shows what I mean, the rollers being further and the skirts are comparable