Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

AS90 on a Chieftain


Seems unlikely when they boast a 120mm gun.

[Development] Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams - News - War Thunder a Concerning sign for us.

It basically reads as
No your not getting it unless somehow you get declassified open source info on abrams DU armour configs and what variants this applies to.



Challenger 2 tanks require two sets of tools, as the hull is built using imperial measurements and the turret is built to metric measurements."

I was a crewman on the thing for 6 years, shows what I remember.


I don’t expect anything different for the challenger 2.

They’ve made up their mind, reality and facts be dammed.


A Cr3 turret floor report, again…


Ahhh fair enough, i mean we was on 1.9mm off XD

What kind of fucking idiot decided to have the hull and turrets be different measurements? If you build a house and the ground floor was imperial and the top floor was metric you would be fired and the house would be demolished due to non-OSHA compliance.


It’s still based off the chally 1 hull so it probably stems from that. But then again why not use imperial instead of metric for the turret? Or you know, update the hill while your at it.


A combination of cost and the divide in generations of engineers since UK Decimalisation in 1971. Probably Vickers either produced new hulls using the same tooling as they had the CR1 hulls, or as I suspect refurbished a set number of CR1 hulls into the CR2 fleet.

Need to research that but the hulls are extremely similar, to the point they can both mount the ROMOR-A ERA package. 3% common parts my arse.

I think it actually bodes even worse for us, they’re willing to cause a shitstorm with the America mains of which there are masses with even more public information available on Abrams than Challenger. When it comes to the time for the CR devblogs there will be less people kicking off, with less sources available etc.

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Even I the British main by searching for 30 minutes found a congress level document confirming the existence of DU armor in the hull starting from M1A1HA on all Abrams tanks since then. Now I am very skeptically looking at the future devblog regarding our Challies. I think we will be greeted with the similar picture of reality just like the US mains



We wont
We have another information
We dont think so
We decided not to

On the Brightside it wont be anything new for us so we can’t be that dissapointed by a return to the Status quo

They will be like: Putin’s general Shoigu in a propaganda speech said that NATO tank armor is non-effective against Russian tanks and we think that his assumptions are correct so no improvements dear players

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It’s quite sad that our expectations are so low.

I’m expecting to be told that no further changes are planned, and the mantlet will stay as it is. They will put out some incredibly misleading or vague “proof” and that will be that.

Also, just saw this on reddit and it made me giggle :



maybe they don’t want to frustrate the Russian player base when they will be hit by the reality of DU armor performance. Hence, they have to artificially nerf things

To be honest, it’s not been too bad at top tier. Even with the Phat OES. It’s been, dare i say it…fun?

Oddly I’ve been enjoying the CR2’s a bit the last few days.
Still getting breeched easily but not as much as I remember when I first started playing CR2s a while back.

Most annoying is aircraft still.

Decided to crew the CR3 TD too, as above, enjoyed the small number of games I’ve had in it, but not enjoying the constant onslaught of top tier jets to hide from.

Crewing the CR3 also meant I could crew the ADATS M113. I feel that thing is 11.3 at best.

I just realised ADATS is 11.7 not 11.3, since when?