Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

So a frame from the old swing in you backyard and a sheet of aluminium?

This is screaming event vehicle XD


for yall that think that the new Challenger 3 turret looks abit odd, its because its missing its addon top composite armor that the challenger 2 has, you can actually see where it would go (the elevated loader and commanders hatch which would be surrounded by the composite armor) thats mostly why it looks so overly boxy

no the turret cheecks are taller eliminating the slope the top of the turret had

it did look cooler but im guessing this ads protection and another mentality for tank usage.

cr2 was meant to be in hull down inclined so you would never see the turret top firing at it, cr3 seems to go with “because we saw what happens in ukraine anything can happen”

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while yes, they also removed top addon armor atleast for this prototype, you can actually even compare it to ingame, the loader periscope and hatch match in game to where they would be, indicating that not only it did get better frontal armor but that they also removed the top composite armor for this chally 3 demo (prob they didnt finish the turret fully to put the addon composite back in)

Should have some panels sort of like this you mean?

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yes, it missing the top composite is why it looks so strange

direct comparison to chally 3 TD we have in game

if this is true doesnt it indicate the cr2 would be the same and is missing turret roof armour?

Yes and no.

Yes the Challenger 2 is missing some roof armour.

No this doesn’t indicate it is. This is part of the upgrades. It’s like saying because the Leopard 2A6 has the 120 L/55 gun that means that the 2A4 should have it.

what im saying is IF we found a similar cr2 prototype photo could it be reported theres armour missing?

I believe the Cr2 prototype had very little changes between it and the production model. The prototype in the Bovington tank museum does have the roof armour on.

Somebody already made a suggestion for the prototype on the old forum.
Challenger 2 Prototype (1989) - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

Oh boy please do

perfectly balanced


So is it basically just the same Challenger 2 but without L27?

With L27

so a Challenger 2

In that case just add the Omani CR2 firing L23A1 with the improved bag charge

not in 1989