Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

seeing this image, it seems like there is not much protection over the mantlet, or is there a plate supposed behind that?

youre talking about the mantlet and not the rotor right? Yes the mantlet is thinner than contemporary tanks

yeah the mantlet that has 200mm in game and basically is the largest weakspot in game

the whole gun area should look like this. Im not sure if fireball made this drawing or they found it

Mantlet should also be thicker of course, its not 3cm thick, should at least be double

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You can see the internal side here, though there are probably better pictures


What killed this one? Got tracked and the Ukrainians burnt it out? or Did the Ruskies actually manage to destroy it?

That grey fabric around the mantlet isn’t a spall liner is it?

AT weapons are perfectly capable of knocking out even the most modern of tanks. Its how you use it that matters most and even then, tanks are big targets.

the current theory is a directional at mine, crew escaped intact tho

probably just a cloth to keep debris out

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It’s the one from a few months back, I heard it was tracked and the crew evacuated with it being finished off by drones/artillery later

Was disabled by mines then hit by a couple of atgm I think.

Saved her crew though, which is the most important thing.

If it had a Dorchester package on it, it would of buffed out with a bit of elbow grease :')

I’d imagine it’s there to play that role, as it’s the only part of the protection that has to move, but I haven’t seen any confirmation

It was tracked by a mine the Ukrainians scuttled it once the crew was clear with a stugna ATGM from the rear

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yeh i think its a spalsh guard to keep water out of the turret

For anyone wondering this is the part that got changed, but it’s actually 32mm not 40

awww gaijin is so nice, gave us a composite skirt to protect our ass from rocks

This might be a bit of a reach, but from this picture it might not be as bad as it looks.

Notice how all of the cables/tubes go around the gun and not actually through the upper part of the mantlet, this could indicate that the rest of the mantlet is armoured and there is therefore no space for them.

If I’m correct then the area (marked with a red triangle) is probably hollow but the rest of the mantlet (the parts with the little red X) is well armoured, or at least just not hollow.

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it was always there