Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Seems like it, unless this list isn’t exhaustive, but they did mention more contentious issues are going to be looked at soon

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Yea, i guess the usual, dev server added things get priority, rest later

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Don’t feel too down - Just the name “Challenger 2” being spoken by the Devs is a milestone lol
They have now openly acknowledged CR2 has an abundance of bug reports, moreso than any other and gave it a special spot to talk about it. Its reassurance that they are actually looking at it (With no small thanks to Gunjob for voicing his concerns I bet) and will address bigger problems soon.

The ball is rolling now. For the first time in years.
We may well one day look at having 500 Challenger 2 variants in our TT as something good, not just dreadful


I guess i sounded down. That is not the case. I just stated they the things that are added in said update get priority over old things fixing. That is fine, as the moment things are added, they get the most love.

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To be honest: I get it. New additions drive sales, and have the most eyes at any given time on them. When in the spotlight, its gotta look pretty…

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The main thing is they’re talking about it. They have less reason to ignore the problems with Chally now they have a premium to sell. which, whilst i don’t like it, is significantly better than before where there was no talk about it whatsoever.

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If anyone interested I found a document from 1990 talking about upgrading the Challenger 1 & Challenger 2 with a smoothbore gun:


This seems like something that other tank game would sell as a premium…

edit from ru forum dev Q&A
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You want a hybrid monster

Doesn’t appear to be in the hull looking at this

at hull front

Is that really the only place it had it irl though? This spall liner ain’t really going to change much imo if that’s the case

look something diffenent


It got the Anti slipping surfaces


Just wanted to let you guys know the chally 3s turret front has lost alot of armor.

Cant take a hit from dm 53 anymore


Great i die easier now

Yup it lost around 100 armour


What where people saying about the dev sever ? No issues ? No armour issues will make it into live.

Clearly they havent been here long


Wait all of them