Challenger 2 first stage ammo racks and reload speed

So I recently noticed that the Challenger 2 had a first stage ammo rack of 4 rounds. Which is just purely wrong. In a video from a live fire exercise with the Challenger 2 it is seen that the loader is taking AP rods from the rear ammo rack in the turret and taking more than 4 charges from the front bin.

Now, the reload. I decided to measure the length of all of the reloads and calculate an average.
My definiton of reloads beginning the first move of the loader and the end of the reload to be the loader clearing the path of the breech.

As you can see the times were:
When we add all of these together and divide them by 5 we get our average which the math would look like this
20.68/5=4.136 which we could present as 4.1 seconds if we round it up
Therefore I think that the number which gaijin decided to use as the reload is purely wrong.
I’d like to hear your guys’ opinions!


can’t use videos for bug reports like this

I never said it was a bug report. I just want to raise attention that it’s incorrect

Everyone knows but gaijin wont listen


Regardless of that, Gaijin should simply increase the first ammo stowage for Challengers to buff their efficiency, just like they did with M1s and Merkavas.

@Legwolf has an epic bug report on the Ammo placement in the Chally 2 and it does touch on the first stage ammo racks

But there are many bug reports already submitted for the ready rack:


The entire firing sequence of a challenger 2 should be roughly 4secs. From the command of “Load Sabot” to “Fire”.

Let’s goooo over 1 year and still nothing. Idk why they so tough.


All CR1s, All CR2s and now even the FV4030 is affected by this and nothing. I just dont understand why they are dragging their feet. This is quite a major bug fix


Yeh but is it actually a bug or is it an intentional nerf. I mean I believe first stage ammo storage is 25 pieces and reload speed is 3-4secs. Surely this wouldn’t be a big, this would be an intentional nerf to “balance” even tho that’s not balanced. We can’t snipe, barely play hull down so they have already impeded us from using the tank in the way it’s designed for and then they have nerfed it in its other abilities which is 1st stage ammo storage and reload time. Everything good about it they have nerfed. the traverse speed bug they said they would fix in a dev blog still hasn’t been fixed. They don’t even confirm or deny anything.

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I suspect it originated as an intentional nerf. Back when the CR1/CR2 had a faster reload than most as a way to mitigate that advantage. But now most others have a 5 second reload with ready racks equal to what the CR1/CR2 would be. So it should no longer be a balancing concern. Why it has yet to be fixed is a total mystery, but then again, when it comes to top tier balance. Im not entirely sure the devs really know what they are doing and are just winging it

We’ll ignore reload rates because its entirely fictional as a balancing measure, but I do think the CR2s could get another reload rate buff. Even just 4.5 second reload would be plenty.

As for ready rack sizes. The CR1 (and by extension FV4030) looks to be 20 rounds as per the report but could be higher. Though I think 20 is more than enough for it as I rarely take even that many rounds.

For the CR2, the reports indicate between 20-26 rounds (report) but again, even just 20 would be more than enough for it for now and we can nag about the extra 6 in the future

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Absolutely 20 first stage for both would be great. 4 is taking the piss tho. Reload I think it’s fair it’s 4, I mean there’s literally video evidence of live fire from inside the Chally 2 showing 3-4secs I think 4 would be spot on and balanced. The C2 is under balanced, if they want to balance it they have to give us this. Makes no sense why they won’t unless it literally they hate Britain.

Yeah, they need to do something for them. I also really hope we can convince them to add dozer blades to most of CR2s as well. Not only does that give some extra LFP protection, but entrenching in a CR2 just seems right

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They should add the C2 Streetfighter for the Dozer Blade. One of the main reason Ukraine loves the C2 is because it can use the dozer blade to clear dragon teeth.

We could get a specific variant just for it, but It wouldnt really add much and it would be really really annoying to grind out another CR2 just for that (I would strongly doubt it would get the Brimstone) . Especially when they all could have it. Heck I think its still in the files and just disabled on the base CR2.

But would be really fun with the extra ERA from the 2F/TES/OES. I think its just a good soft-buff they can give to all of them, As it does provide a minimal increase in protection but just gives britain a nice gimmick

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I made this Future of British Ground Top Tier

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