CH-53 "Yas'ur" featuring the Nimrod ATGM

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Why didn’t you put this in the suggestions?

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still need more sources (the page of IAF for some reason its blocked in my country so i have to rely on secondary sources), and maybe theres some mistakes so i need a green light first

WHO in their right mind named a missile “Nimrod” 😭

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Fun etymological fact, Nimrod was a very appropriate name for a missile, up until Bugs Bunny came around.

Nimrod was a name of a character in the Bible, the great grandson of Noah who was known to be a fantastic hunter and tyrant. This was it’s primary meaning for most of history, however it had more or less fallen out of fashion up until the Looney Toons came out.

In those shorts, Bugs and Daffy would sarcastically call their antagonists “nimrods”, belittling them by their comparison to the legendary hunter of old. Only, most people didn’t get the reference. Instead, they took nimrod to mean idiot, as a straight insult, and that meaning mostly supplanted the original.

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Moved to Machinery of War Discussion

Use VPN and set location to Israel.

That’s nothing compared to certain British ships.

*cough cough


Please post it in the correct category. (Suggestions)
As you wrote: “post suggesting”