Centurion MK3, another BR need to extend evidence?

We do have enough British 84mm gun tanks at 7.7, The centurion MK3 is the worst one, Gaijin just simply move most of 84mm gun tanks to 7.7, but never consider their difference, Centurion MK3’s front hull armor is only about 3 inches, which means even 88mm or 122 mm guns can pen them directly, and also we have the Centurion mk5 and Caernavon, which have better armor but still at 7.7, the MK3 and STRV81 need to 7.3 or we need other BR extend for whole 7.0 - 9.0

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You know both isreal and britain have 7.7 lineups. Sweden has two 7.7 vehicles and a 7.0 TD.

Just saying BR reduction isnt gonna cut it. Id rather see apds not shell shatter like it does now. Though some of my matches with solid shot have been pretty nice, and the conway works okish at 7.7 though i have had better luck with that than the cent mk3 thoigh its probably just been random luck.

Id recommend you try solid shot its works pretty well for post pen damage and it doesn’t shell shatter nearly as much.

keep british 7.7 lineup at 7.7, move 8.0 russia up


You can also take them to 7.7 after drop to 7.3, and also it can creat a new lineup for British 7.3

Unless there is a BR extension, There is no reason why put Cent 3 at 7.7, especially we have a better armor one.

I am not talking about the firepower, even the APDS is like **** and APCBC can’t do anything when suffering with Russia heavy tanks. The armor of Cent mk3 is the key issue which needs back to 7.3.

Not only Russian tanks, we do need consider 8.0-8.7 vehicles, I don’t want use Cent mk3 to against like T55 or TAM

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the 8.0-8.7 ussr lineup is the worst offender but things like TAM and turm 3 should be put up too

like IS7 or T10M are pretty painful, such kind of heavy tanks armor are useless when they need to face Heats

Eh, if the 20lbdr was a better gun it would be fine. Rn its horrid, even with APDS. Give it actually good postpen, accuracy and make it not fucking shatter and its golden cause full stab around that BR is wonderful.

20lbdr and 17lbdr all have such issues, and that’s why I believe they are overvalued

I’ve got no issues with Conqueror, Caernarvon, Centurion 5/1, etc. Centurion 3 is just the worst out of the bunch and should be dropped to 7.3, hell, I’d love to see a 6/1 or 7/1 added to fill the new gap.

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I feel they need to just shuffle vehicles up and away from the dense 7.7-8.3 created by the previous decompression of sub 7.3.

Then see how vehicles play out/fit.
(But relies on top BR being raised to allow for this).

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the mk3 performs near enough the same to the Centurion mantletless turret (incorrectly called action X in WT and WoT) and the Caernarvon. putting them down isn’t a fix to the game but would break lower BRs, I absolutely kick the hell out of USSR, USA and Germany lineups at 6.7-7.0 with the mk2 centurion and AVRE so seeing them with a 20pdr APDS and stab would be extreme sealclubbing.

I think the better fix would be to increase the top tier BR to 15.7 and then decompress and stretch everything out to fill that. Britain at that BR isn’t unbalanced, its everything around it

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Don’t forget FV4202 is still in 7.3, which proves that 20pdr isn’t as strong enough as people think, even the penetration is good, but the Shell dispersion or mobility limits their performance, We do have lower BR case, M551/76, there is no more difference when you deal with 6.7/7.0, you still need to aim tiger 2’s turret or T29’s hull armor, and due to the hull armor difference, 122mm and 88mm guns can pen your hull armor easily. You can’t miss any shot if you are spotted.