Centauro I 120 SQUADRON vehicle for the USSR tech tree

welp you just showed that you dont know anything about those missles and vehicles, read up on the Kornet EM, specialy developed to defeat APS trough fragmentation, any argument you made became useless now because you dont know anything about the possible future russian additions

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Well, to summarize what @Ralin is asking for is fast wheeled tank (70km/h+) with high caliber gun (120-125mm) with 500+ penetration.


ralin showed he has no idea what the native russian vehicles are capable of, he made a joke of himself lol


you forgot to add, they want it to be 11.7

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I think the primary problem is that there is no direct unchanging definition of what vehicles should be added to which TT. Of course Gaijin made a mistake in this.

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Another thing that is in Centauro’s favor is the speed of implementation. Since the given machine is already in the game, it will cost Gaijin practically nothing to copy it. Of course, I would prefer Soviet or Czechoslovakian types but as i said before: if I had to choose between Centauro and nothing, I would choose Centauro.

Another option is to try to close Pandora’s box and move the T-90S, T-80U and Mi-28A into the trees where they belong (Soviet tree). Of course, this possibility is highly unlikely.


No need to give 3 big stuff of smaller nations, unless it was used in numbers.
PS the addition of trialed vehicles is just a pure evil.


+1 sure. I wouldn’t complain. Can’t say the same for others tho…

+1, This and the Freccia they tested in Moscow.

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66% of votes said no, so the minority that are saying yes are already talking here and explaining why USSR should.

My answer: no.

My long answer: Russia has much much much more ground stuff that can be added without needing any other nations stuff.


Exactly, just like with germany i would never demand another countries ground assets, because germany has more then enough native developed options. On the other hand it is understandable that countries like germany, britain, italy, japan are asking for aircrafts from other nations because they pretty much wont have access to anything else for a long while


Part of me wants to see how much the forums would explode if it happened.

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Theoretically we can get 2S23 Nona-SVK with 120mm 2A60 cannon. It is not the equivalent of a Centauro, but rather an artillery howitzer/mortar.


If it were to go by trialed wouldnt sweden also be able to get M1 abrams and Leclerc


A controversial topic, and my reply will probably be controversial as well. I say yes, as each country needs to have the same rules applied to it. There are zillions of Soviet vehicles in other trees, several as squadron vehicles, so why not the other way around?

But it isn’t needed!

Has that ever been an issue for Gaijin? I think we’re past that, unfortunately. Russia is and always will be the strongest tech tree in the game, and while I really hope other nations get attention and would prefer to see this happen later rather than sooner, it will likely happen anyway.

Too much copy-paste!

I’m not a fan of it either, but this is interesting. I don’t mind it in this case. Plus, Gaijin doesn’t care about that either.

Honestly I think it is a fun way to mix up the tree, and these sorts of things should be at least considered.
But minor nations first, and domestic vehicles for major nations second, with this third.


This vehicle is not needed in the russian tech three, if they want a Wheeled TD like that they should instead suggest 2S14 Zhalo-S, a vehicle that would be far better for the USSR TT at a lower BR, Centauro is not to be put in that tech tree in my opinion, the TT is already doing well, they have almost all the vehicles they want from their own nation and if you are the USSR playerbase you should want to have your equipment instead of cherry picking stuff and taking other nation’s vehicles because the Russian Military tried it once. thats it
-1 to this suggestion


I see no reason as to why the USSR should receive a Centauro as a squadron vehicle. They simply do not need it. At the same time, copy-pasting vehicles over to other tech trees should be avoided at all times, if you ask me.


The USSR does not need an Italian Tank Destroyer. They Have enough indiginous designs of their own including the Zhalo-S


Better off as an Italian squadron vehicle than an USSR vehicle if you ask me, the Italians need it more.


Bro, USSR doesn’t need another squadron vehicle, they already have 2 top tier squadron vehicles, if anything gaijin should focus on other tech trees that don’t have squadron vehicles, because the minor nations don’t get enough love from gaijin and are only recently getting any. This should be an event vehicle at best.