It’s D-Day. June 6th, 1944. 80 years ago today, Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy to take back France. As part of Operation Overlord, more than 150,000 Allied soldiers landed at Normandy, first by parachutes and gliders and then under the cover of aircraft and artillery and from transport ships. In total around a million people were involved in this operation.
We’re honoring the largest seaborne invasion ever today on its 80th anniversary. Take a look at the various different activities and discounts that we’ve created dedicated to this day.
Unique Bundles Available in the Store!
When: From June 6th (12:00 GMT) until June 10th (12:00 GMT).
Celebrate the anniversary with the following unique bundles available for purchase in the store.

- M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo Cobra King;
- M18 Black Cat Pack;
- George Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt Pack;
- Mustang Pack;
- Unique title: “First in Deed”;
- Unique decal: “First United States Army Insignia”.

- M10 Achilles Pack;
- Sherman Firefly Ic Pack;
- Prendergast`s Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe Pack;
- Typhoon Pack;
- Unique title: “Sledgehammer”;
- Unique decal: “2nd Army Formation badge”.

- M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo Cobra King;
- M18 Black Cat Pack;
- George Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt Pack;
- Mustang Pack;
- M10 Achilles Pack;
- Sherman Firefly Ic Pack;
- Prendergast`s Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe Pack;
- Typhoon Pack;
- Unique title: “Overlord”;
- Unique decal: “SHAEF insignia”.
- + Decals and titles from “First in deed” and “Sledgehammer” bundles.
Note! You can also get a unique title and the decal, if you log in to the game from the 6th to the 10th of June and gain at least three victories, whilst at the same time you previously purchased all separate packs which are included in the bundles above (M4a3e2 Sherman purchased in the game using Golden Eagles). The titles and the decals will be assigned after the 11th of June to all users who have fulfilled these conditions.
Participate in the Operation Overlord event to earn the Churchill AVRE!
When: From June 5th (11:00 GMT) until June 17th (11:00 GMT).
The Operation Overlord event, part of our D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations, has just begun! In this event you can get yourself the Churchill AVRE, a special vehicle first used during the Normandy Landings, plus two decals and the Flying Dustbin decoration.
The Military Engineer: Percy Hobart in June’s Pages of History!
When: From June 1st (11:00 GMT) until June 30th (11:00 GMT).
For June’s Pages of History, we’re honoring Percy Hobart. Hobart was the main man behind Hobart’s Funnies, a set of special engineering vehicles, including the Churchill AVRE, that played a vital role on D-Day. Complete 8 tasks and his profile icon is yours.

HMS Belfast is Available at a 50% Discount!
When: From June 6th (12:00 GMT) until June 10th (07:00 GMT).
Where: Great Britain > Bluewater fleet > Premium vehicles.
HMS Belfast played a crucial role on D-Day, being one of the first ships to bombard the Normandy coast before Allied troops landed, softening up German defenses. HMS Belfast is now a permanent static display on the River Thames in London and is one of only three bombardment ships left from D-Day. She’s available for a discount on this special occasion!
Get a D-Day themed Ship Flag and Decal!
Decorate your vehicles with the unique D-Day ship flag and decal that features the flags of France, the US, Great Britain and Canada.
When: From June 6th (12:00 GMT) until June 10th (07:00 GMT).
Task: Play 3 battles using US, British and French vehicles at rank III or higher to receive the “D-Day Allies Badge” decal!
Task: Get a total of 10,000 mission points with US, British and French vehicles of rank III or higher in Naval Battles to receive the “80th Anniversary of D-Day (1944-2024)” ship flag!

Additional details:
- You must use a minimum of rank III.
- Your activity must not be below 70%.
- You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, and [Assault] mode.
- Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.
- You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab in the Customization menu.
D-Day Tournament Series!
We’ve prepared some aircraft, ground and naval vehicle D-Day tournaments that you can register for right now until June 8th! In these tournaments you can win the special “D-Day” decal and “Normandy Ace” title. Be sure to join the official Esport Discord community!