CDK Mission Help

Oh yeah one more thing, sometimes the editor just moves stuff with snap activated or something (only every 100x/y/z) and sometimes it doesn’t. Is there any way to toggle this on and off?

I found it (S to toggle)

Uh, um, I apologize for my poor English. It’s not my first language…

I mean, “Can one Actions create multiple spawn points?” is the question, right?
As it turns out, you can’t. You can clutter up the respawn point by selecting multiple Targets, but you can only create one spawn point with one MarkAsRespawnPoint.

However, if you mean triggers, this is not the case.
In fact, I use multiple RespawnPoint Actions with one trigger on this map.

and it is a good idea to combine spawn point settings into a single trigger to save file size.

You rock man… 👍👍👍


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Yo @Alpine_Lynx do you know how to setup Aircraft Carrier spawns? I tried to follow a tutorial but they don’t work as said in the video. That also includes another airfield I tried to create as a spawnpoint but it just says “No respawn base to start” when I try to spawn on it.

Also, How do I make it so i can see the objects and props that i spawn in inside of the editor before launching the mission because I saw the tutorial guy have it so he could see it while he is in the editor and that would be extremely helpful knowledge. Thanks

Oh yeah here is the file for the update I’m working on.
ExploreSoutheasternCitybyWarThunderMaster.blk (213.4 KB)

There is another thing not working and that is the On top of Buildings spawn for tanks and only some of the spawns work and the others for some reason dont come up if you know anything about why its not working

EDIT: i dont know if it works on not just saw one of my friends be able to spawn on top of it but i cant see it on the map but that should be fine i guess

I figured out how to create a working airifield (Multiplayer mission creation - War Thunder Wiki) so the help for that is no longer needed. However, I still would like to know how to see the objects, props, units etc. that I’m placing down so I can see how they are placed so I don’t have to run the mission every time to see how it looks.

Press the yellow teapot looking icon

Note that some assets will not show up or dont have a model. There are also some assets that lock to the floor.

The wiki is great help Instructions for Using the Mission Editor - War Thunder Wiki

Btw you can make custom spawn airfields. Its a bit of work and tricky but its possible.

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Category:War Thunder CDK - War Thunder Wiki This page has tons of references and mission creation tutorials. Unfortunately not in video format

Thank you that will be very helpful!

I’m trying to make a toggle for instant reload on the map but I can’t figure it out I tried to copy what someone did and It doesn’t work when I try it. I would like someone to have a look at the file for the mission and see why it doesn’t work.
ExploreSoutheasternCitybyWarThunderMaster.blk (340.7 KB)

@Arcadia_Nyx do you know how to fix this

also is there any way i can stop people from nuking some targets and lagging the server? like can i make a zone and set it so they cant drop bombs near it or something? It would really be needed since it happens too often.

Oh yeah cus I’m asking so why not, Is there any way I can fix so when more than 64 players have joined they use the old persons name in chat? It’s really weird and I don’t know what causes it. Thanks.

I fixed the instant reload i forgot to click the “EnableAfterComplete” setting on the triggers lol

I need help with this still if someone knows any type of fix pls

What problems are you still having?

You are limited to 32 players per team for a total of 64 players overall.