As for reloading with unitRestore, it is too inefficient to explain in words, so you can read the map I have created before and understand it.
Basically, all the necessary elements are in the Trigger->“SuperTrigger” of this mission.
PeriodicEvent is the time to next load. You can set it to 0, 10, or whatever number you want.
Thank you I figured it out with your help. There is just one thing more I ask for and that is how do I set up circling AI planes and if you know how to, how can I setup “speed boosts” that you can fly into and then you get a speed boost idk if you know anything about that tho
Yeah I should’ve used forums earlier this is great but the last things I need to understand is speedboosts and how to stop the DummyPlane’s from spawning in when you enable bots
One last last thing I hope unless i run into other problems, how do I make take spawns on buildings / bridges cus they just fall into the water when i do that and spawn inside the building not on them
Update: I figured out how to fix the planes spawning the DummyPlane inside the mission.
If anyone else runs into this problem here is what i did:
It was in the files that said the PlayerSlots were something else so I made some new PlayerSlots and replaced the text in the .blk file with the new PlayerSlots and then u have to reload it and then I created the PlayerSlots with the same name and same amounts.
Is there any way I can make it small too? like so It’s not really too visible or not cus I want to make them spawn on the buildings but when I tried it it just raised the terrain to that height but I tried to replicate what someone else did on their custom battle.
EDIT: thats the reason i disabled them in the mission
Oh uh one more thing since I can’t seem to find this, how do i setup a single spawnpoint to be multiple spawns and not just spawning multiple zones for a single spawnpoint trigger or is that not possible? @Alpine_Lynx