CAS strength, from WW2 ones to Top Tier?

Top tier CAS has been discussed quite a lot and people want them nerfed but,…, I’m thinking about a comparison between WW2 CAS vs AAA and the top tier. Planes are less vulnerable and still get ground kills just fine, matching their 600sp cost. Consider planes to usually be able to do a first run and exit, highly likely a 2nd but the 3rd depends on AAA and its own ammo, though strafing is quite often used. Is it only for the ammo count that make people cry or what?

Note that the opponent is considered as a Pantsir. That’s the only thing working but kinda working too well. And we have damn clouds quite often.

p.s. Can anyone do a test of dodging Pantsir with different planes + a2g load and compare with and without Expert Crew?

F-15E, Rafale, EF2K, M2K, basically any decently maneuverable supersonic aircraft can barrel roll the Pantsir.

Depends on how bad the pantsir player is, plus this doesnt work all the time. you can dodge pantsir when you are closer to them as they dont get their best missile maneuverability until like 800-1000m.