Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

I am not even asking for a ground only mode, but the fact that CAS apologists defend THIS and refuse to acknowledge that CAS and Helicopters are a DISEASE that ruins the game at Top Tier on their current state is disgusting.

Powerful and mass anti-tank loadouts should cost way more SP to spawn. That’s all I ask- for people not to be able to spawn team-ending weapons just because they stood on a cap for a few seconds with a Light Tank.

Israel still needs an actual Top Tier SPAA. Japan SPAA’s sometimes fail to lock on Helicopters up to 2.5 km away for some reason.

U.S and U.K also need proper SPAAs, ones that don’t cost as much SP as an MBT to spawn. Speaking of which- I have seen threads of this Forum of CAS apologists saying that SPAAs are OP and should cost MORE to spawn because “CAS was weak against them” lmfao. Now THOSE are the ones who should feel embarrassed


Ye, that’s what Im suggesting but even that they refuse lol it will for sure decrease the amount of CAS spammed.

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Of course, because that would require them to actually do something in a ground vehicle beyond standing on a cap or getting a couple assists before having the chance to obliterate a whole ground team with ease from the sky.

They say “go play WoT if you want to play tanks”, yet maybe they are the ones who should go to play DCS/WoWP if all they want is use planes/helicopters.


The worst I’ve seen was ingame, when someone was complaining about the “OP Wirbelwind” and spawn protection because that CAS player died while trying to spawncamp the other team.


The SP costs should also make sense. Why does 3x the bombs cost the same SP to spawn? And why are ground belts more expensive that 5 bullpups?

But why must insist that you get the option to drop bombs on things who has no means of fighting back bro? Furthermore it also creates a problem for players who just wanted to play mixed battles because they wouldn’t be able to use the premium plane they bought due to the absurd requirement. I mean it’s better that the current combined mode stayed where it is, then a new TO mode for players who are into tanks only.

My biggest suggestion would be to make it possible to J-Out on your spawn without losing SP or the vehicle, just like you can do with planes.


Because one of the worst parts, too, is to spawn SPAA only to spend the entire match doing nothing if all CAS has been dealt with at the moment. So it would be really nice if you could “just spawn SPAA” and leave it if it weren’t necessary to spawn it again later whenever actually necessary.

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This is a reason why I switched to one tank lineup. What is the point spawning more than once when you won’t be able to leave spawn thanks to Gaijin’s bright decision to make 1 or 2 static spawn points.


Been like that since inception. Did you not realise maps only have one or two spawns? Same in every mode!

Only the 10% who seem to get caught out this way.

There wasn’t such a CAS spam in closed beta. Maybe because players wanted to focus more on new tank vs tank combat.

Closed Beta? Did that last 8 years? To focus on the 5 minute introduction of the mode is rather limiting.

There wasn’t as much tank spam either, making tanking so much easier now than ever before. I saw a lot more terible ground play spam or terrible first spawn spam than this supposed CAS spam. I am sure those salty about playing the game for what it is see everything they don’t personally like as “spam”.

Edit: a key change you have alluded to was the SP system was very different back then. This effects the game in every way.

I’m sure players do lots of things in terms of focus, there are hundreds of thousands after all.

Regardless, one or two spawn points is not new.

ATGM helicopters that can hit you from another postal code and revenge bombing are peak war thunder.

Implementation of Helis was a pipedream that should have stayed that way, I agree.

In fact I’d rather have Ponies and Walkers from the April Fools than the heli/MBT era. It is a shame the “grind” model stopped them from developing a better system for WT GF in modern eras, something never originally intended.

Does not change the fact that static 1 or 2 spawn points are idiotic idea. And it is more visible at higher tier where it is much easier to reach enemy spawn with fast vehicles and with CAS with increased effective range. Static spawn points are good for games with one life per round like WoT.

I also speak as someone who mostly plays +9.0 BRs as I am more interested in modern tanks than WWII crappy tanks. It is why I stopped playing after a while in open beta because WWII tanks were simply boring after a while. I returned around when event with AGS was introduced because of modern tanks. I used full lineups but I quickly realized there was not much a point taking it as either I survived till end of battle with first spawn or I rage quit match after I got obliterated by CAS in spawn with second tank. Getting killed by CAS was already annoying but getting killed again with second spawn was just too much. Start of the match is always super fun, but late game is just not worth time and effort as it is just roll with a dice if you get obliterated on spawn or not.

Two reasons:

Tanks were new, so people wanted to play them

Tanks were more expensive to spawn (a heavy tank was 300-450 SP) and there were fewer ways to gain SP, so it took longer to get into a plane

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Its not, and its a shit idea

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Maybe war thunder isnt the game for you then

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The solution isnt tank only, the solution is an increase in cas points and an increse in spaa effectiveness and rewards. But incase you havrnt noticed by the lack of premium spaas gaijin doesnt care as long ad they can sell you those sweet sweet prem attackers

Yes, I think this is something that might refine your original comment.

Definately different solutions for different zones, in my mind…