If you don’t spawn it though, it’s more likely the rest of your team will be taken out, and the fact is that uncontested, the planes will do MORE damage, and at least have more time to pick a better set of targets, leading to the OPs issue.
That is exactly the method… It’s bad sportsmanship to be using that to avoid dying to someone.
It’s not even about the experience, it’s about how you get killed in the first place.
Getting killed by something you had no means to counter from the start feels out of place in a PvP game.
Games like that can happen, but it’s obvious that you won against all odds, so your average 1v5 will go in a much different way.
Do that next time I always try to J out when bombed because of childish and toxic cas is. The fact gaijin hasn’t really addressed this shows they don’t care.
And its entirely logical that great pilots also enjoy tanks and utilize the mode that has both.
I refer you to your comment of not being qualified to about this.
Can you please elaborate on how historical engagements and scenarios that have existed for say the last 80-90 years are toxic? Considering we have a specific term rand acronym for it, it seems like a very real part of warfare.
Because a new game mode doesn’t solve it. Logistically and ideally, you would actually end up removing a game mode or two, that being Air Battles. And that is a solution only one side wants; being those who hate CAS (regarding the removal of airplanes from ground battles). Many people enjoy CAS capable aircraft and splitting their pool of matches is a terrible idea, full stop.
1 vs 7 after 5 minutes, i killed one of them and the last 2 bases in order to get a ticket lead to ensure a ticket win at 13:54…the only challenge was to stay alive.
You have to remember this is a game, not a real life war.
Getting bombed from outer space by something you can’t see nor hear is indeed toxic for the receiving party both in real life and in game.
As I said, in a PvP game things should be balanced so both parties can have fun, which isn’t the case for aircraft vs tank. This is further emphasized by the lack of mandatory roles and prerequisites before joining a game.
New mode where only tanks could be played solves all issues regarding that.
People that don’t have the means or don’t want to engage with aircraft would simply go to that mode and everyone would have much more pleasant experience.
Then what do you propose when top tier is usually CAS heaven
hell my proposal aint getting nowhere cuz gaijin is making money and they couldnt care less about the current problem
There isn’t a solution to this until the mode is fundamental changed which isn’t happening. This is why TO is the best possible solution that will disturb the least amount of people.
Also, CAS is a problem throughout high tier, but top tier is particularly egregious as both helicopters and planes can dominate.
Yep… Bad playership… Akin to someone when you’re at school playing tag, tagging someone then saying they’re not playing anymore…
That though, they’re using that method to get out of dying to someone that had them dead to rights, but they pick and choose what gets them because of the previously mentioned concept. Happy to play the game when they’re getting kills, but a big old screw you to anyone getting them.
I tend to play my “Unexpected Threat” daily objectives as opposed to swapping them, and the number of battles where I will spawn an SPAA at the start of a match only for no enemy aircraft to spawn is surprising.
In one match, our team shot down a combined 13 aircraft myself bagging 4. Following that match I was 7 matches with no aircraft spawned by either team 2 matches where only my team spawned aircraft and one match where the enemy only spawned a single aircraft.
The reality of the situation is that only a small portion of the Ground RB playerbase are actually effectieve in the CAS role. It would seem an even smaller but inversely noisy portion of the playerbase make forum threads complaining lol.
But people are having fun. I enjoy using CAS as much as I enjoy CAP and air superiority and tank v. tank. Just because you aren’t doesn’t mean you are the majority. I would say, given how Gaijin hasn’t stepped in to address this “issue”, is because people who hate CAS are most likely a minority.
Again, that is not a solution for both sides. That is a solution for one side. A solution for both would be increasing the SP cost for a plane. Or limiting the amount of planes in the air at any given time; maybe to two strike aircraft/bombers and 1 fighter/interceptor. That is a solution for both. CAS is a lot less numerous but is also to be utilized.
If you want a tank only game mode, then War Thunder isn’t reslly your product. That would be World of Tanks. Removing aircraft from ground battles seems very much against even some of the earilest trailers for War Thunder.