Caproni Ca101 Bis

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Description: The Caproni Ca101 was an Italian 3-engine transport/bomber aircraft made in the interwar period by the Italian company Caproni. In the late twenties, Italian engineer Rodolfo Verduzio started to design a new transport aircraft from the already existing Caproni Ca97. Initially, the aircraft was designed to be a civil transport aircraft, but that idea was later scrapped, and the project became a military transport/bomber. The first prototype was made and flew in 1928. The Regia Aeronautica was interested in the new aircraft and ordered a total of 72 Ca101. The units were made in two variants: the first one was equipped with one Alfa Romeo Jupiter and two Armstrong Siddeley Lynx, while the second version was equipped with a third Alfa Romeo D2. The Bis also had a bigger wing span and was heavier. Those units were mainly used to transport troops and soldiers in the Italian colonies in northern and eastern Africa. They were mainly used during the Italian conquest of Ethiopia, when some of them were used as bombers against the Etiophian army. They were armed with a 3x 7.7 mm Breda Safat machinegun for self-defense and up to 500 kg of bombs. The development of the Ca101 was called Ca102, and although it had a more modern design, it had some issues related to its engines. The Regia Aeronautica retired all its Ca101 before the start of the Second World War in 1939. Other countries, such as Austria, Hungary, and China, ordered the aircraft, with a total of over 120 units amongst all its operators.

Why it should be in game: It could give to the Italian tt a new low tier bomber






STORMO! Fly Model 1/72 Caproni Ca.101 by Richard Mendes
Caproni Ca.101 - Wikipedia
Caproni  Ca






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+1 more Capronis!

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