Caproni Ca.314B

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Caproni Ca.314B.



The Caproni Ca.314 was a low-wing twin-engine monoplane multi-role reconnaissance aircraft produced by a company of the Caproni group, CAB (Caproni Aeronautica Bergamasca), between the late 1930s and early 1940s.
The aircraft itself was the direct evolution of the Caproni Ca.310, and was used by the Regia Aeronautica from the early 1940s to the 1950s and by the Swedish Air Force, which had purchased some examples. Among the various versions created for the aircraft there was the B version (or RA, or Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance), used as a torpedo bomber, anti-ship reconnaissance aircraft and bomber, albeit with slight modifications to the structure of the aircraft. About eighty examples of this specific version were made, which unfortunately saw rather limited use in the war sector given that they entered the ranks of the air force rather late. At the end of the war all Italian examples were lost or scrapped.

Armaments and propulsion.

The aircraft was defended by two 7.7mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns located above and below the aircraft and had two 12.7mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns in the fighter position. The plane could also load a 900 kg torpedo or 1.000 kg of bombs.
Speaking of engines, the plane was powered by two Isotta Fraschini Delta R.C.35s of 730 hp each, which allowed the plane to reach a maximum speed of 395 km/h.



Crew: 3
Length: 11.8 m
Wingspan: 16.65m Height: 3.7m
Wing area: 39.2 m2 Maximum weight: 6,620 kg
Powerplant: 2 × Isotta-Fraschini Delta R.C.25 (I-DS) inverted air-cooled V-12 piston engine, 724 hp each
Maximum speed: 395 km/h
Range: 1,690 km
Service ceiling: 6,400 m
Armaments: 2x 12.7 mm fixed forward-firing Breda-SAFAT machine-guns in the wing roots and 2x 7.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine gun in a defensive position
Torpedoes: 1 of 900 kg
Bombs: up to 1.000 kg

Pictures and drawnings.






Caproni Ca.306/309/310/314 - convoy escort, maritime patrol
Caproni Ca.314 - Wikipedia
Caproni Ca.314 - Wikipedia
Caproni Ca.314
Caproni Bergamaschi Ca.314 : Caproni / Caproni Bergamaschi / Caproni Vizzola
Caproni aircraft | Secret Projects Forum
イタリアの「駄作機」とエースたち:第五話 ―夜間防空システム構築への貢献!Ca.314-RA雷撃機とアンマンナート大尉― - Associazione Italiana del Duce -ドゥーチェのイタリア協会へようこそ!-
List of torpedo bombers - Wikipedia
Бомбардировщики Caproni Ca.311, Ca.313, Ca.314
Caproni  Ca


Oh yes! +1

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with some bomb load it will be good CAS option


It can carry 2x 250 kg bombs.


good :D


This is an excellent ground attack aircraft for BR 1.3 and I would love to see it in the game… But I would also like to see added to the game, its even more powerful and heavier variant, the Caproni Ca.314C: ground attack version, characterised by the presence of four 12.7 mm calibre machine guns up front (As stated in Jonathan Thompson’s Italian Civil and Military Aircraft 1930-1945, this C variant comes with the addition of 2 MG 12.7 mm to reinforce the firepower) + a 12.7 calibre machine gun on the dorsal turret, with a war load of 1280 kg of fuselage bombs. 254 examples were produced.


Sadly, another person is doing this suggestion. Not my thing :(

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Very useful


+1 curios plane why not


One of the most useful of the Caproni’s bunch. Is someone working on Ca.313? I may work on it if needed.

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Correction necessary. The aircraft could load up to 1,000 kg of bombs (two of 500).

pensi che ci sarà modo per avere quest’ aereo o un altro aerosilurante in gioco perl’Italia?
mi rendo conto che gli sviluppatori debbono pur guadagnare fornendo il g 55s come aereo premium, ma d’altro canto in quasi un anno di tentativi per cercare di sbloccare la medaglia degli aerei siluranti con savoia marchetti/cant z.1007 e p 108 non sono ancora mai riuscito a colpire una nave in partita senza essere distrutto con quei mastodonti dell’aria da parte delle infinite antiaeree delle corazzate e persino di barche per difesa costale, come se non bastasse il siluro italiano presente in gioco ( mi pare di ricordare che in realtà non è stato l’unico alle forze armate italiane) è più che complicato da padroneggiar, dovendo essere sganciato praticamente a pelo d’acqua e a una distanza poco ragionevole, ci mettiamo anche il fatto che lo spawn degli aerei è superiore a 1000 metri… diminuire l’altitudine è veramente un incubo, in sostanza serve un nuovo silurante agile per il tech three o perlomeno un altra tipologia di siluro secondo me


Per avere questo aereo o aspettiamo la sia aggiunta o speriamo che ci diano qualcosa.
Comunque da quel che so noi italiani usammo due diversi tipi di siluri, uno Whitehead ed uno fatto a Napoli, solo che il primo è presente in gioco ma l’altro no (motivi a me ignoti).

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forse mancanza d’informazioni, da quel che leggevo poco fa su un forum, quello della whitehead non era l’unico siluro in dotazione, ma apparentemente l’unico adatto agli aerei, ecco la pagina di riferimento I siluri di produzione nazionale il sito della marina specifica la destinazione d’uso dei vari siluri, ma ho notato che viene accennato a un uso dei siluri tedeschi, forse non nella seconda guerra mondiale, quindi potrebbe essere un suggerimento sul possibile uso prima o dopo l’armistizio di siluri di produzione tedesca per un motivo o per un altro anche se non riportato


more torpedo bombers for italy would be cool. +1


also considering that other than the g55 (and perhaps not even with that) it is practically impossible to get a torpedo kill dropped with the plane, funny thing the developers expect that to complete the objective you will have to do 100 of them 🥶


Hai qualcosa in più per quanto riguarda i siluri?

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purtroppo no…

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Ci abbiamo provato!

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