Cap on planes allowed in the air

My last mid tier game was dominated by the enemy teams planes. Half of them seemed to be flying the 262 jet with the tank buster cannon that was murdering my team with ease. I took my M42 SPAA out to try and counter it but that thing is comically bad. Impossible to hit jets with its sluggish turret speed and slow rate of fire. Immediately had a 500kg bomb dropped on me…
Someone in my team said give up as they are carpet bombing the spawns and sadly he was right, we had zero chance which was a shame as we had the caps but no one flying and ineffective SPAA.

Makes me think surely the game should cap the planes? I counted 6 enemy planes happily flying around killing tanks.

Before people say ‘to defeat the plane you must go plane’ A few people did and were quickly shot down by the rampaging jets. Also I found the plane grind long and arduous. I lost interest as I like tank combat but find the plane element boring, unless they are killing defenseless tanks.

Also feel like the game heavily favors the planes. Not only do they get a god view of the map, basic air defense is gimped, SPAA’s are low reward, high risk, slow grinds. Even my tanks with a 50 cal on the turret get 500 rounds which doesn’t last long when the sky’s are full.


Welcome to warthunder, if You are looking for “answers” on forum, most of what You will hear is:

  1. Spawn into SPAA.
  2. Spawn into a plane.

So if You are going to look up for something logical or something that can help You when You are using a tank, then You won’t find it.

Playing planes in GRB gives You advantage over tanks and that is why people will defend it, to have easy time.

If You want to have as much pure ground gameplay as You can get, I recommend playing with 1-vechicle line-up and leaving after first death.


Yeah a Lancaster CAS (lol?) wiped out half the team in a earlier game in 1 pass, most of them rage quit out. Least the game was over in less than 9 minutes.

That is the game.Sometimes no planes ,some times it’s CAS spam.
Sometimes just saying good bye is the best option,sometimes it all passes and sometimes the enemy lose a game they were winning by all going to planes.

I find mid tier is a mix of WW2 and Cold war that I am not convinced actually works that well both for land and Air.All seems a bit silly and the balance dies away.The game simply fails at 6-7 BR

In in ideal world its balanced by the fact they have less ground presence and that is really bad for point control and winning the match.

In practice however no one really thinks of this as a team game, its yourself vs how much RP/SL you can get which means kills basically. Rewards for winning are also in the gutter.

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This is a game for airplanes. Tanks are just targets. There are no anti-aircraft guns. These are just tanks, and tanks are just…
accept it.

Crazy that we’re just allowing actual victim blaming posts on here

CAS is fun.It’s a combined arms game.Might as well limit tanks as well.

When the enemy all goes into planes, it can allow your team to get the caps and win. Most players will sit in their fighters after they dropped bombs and cant do anything.

I have won/lost a good few games due to either my team or the enemy’s team all hoping into planes.


Um. I beg to differ with you on just about all of that.

When the enemy goes all planes, chances are pretty good that some of them can shoot through the top of your tank with MGs. (And even if you’re armored well enough that that can’t happen, there’s a good chance they have a plane with a bomb or with cannons)

The chances are that your team’s planes are over their team’s ground spawn area, frequently ignoring their planes. (There are games where it seems neither side will go after the other side’s aircraft until it’s clear the tanks have quit spawning)

I’ve lost count of how many games I’ve quit, rather than respawn into an area camped by enemy aircraft. (Before that was hundreds if not thousands of games where I spawned in with SPAA, despite dying even faster than when spawning into a tank, unable to kill more than one aircraft before getting sprayed by every enemy plane until dead.)

I no longer expect any actual beneficial change, nor am I expecting a mode added for just tanks, unless some other game comes up where the tankers can actually have fun tank battles, rather than air raids. When someone has a tank game that rivals this one in appearance, but without the aircraft, then they will add the tanks-only mode for this one.

Enough tankers have quit that people are constantly complaining about all the one-death-leaving. I’m barely playing at all anymore, and wishing that I could get the money back that I’ve spent on this game. (No chance there, either!) I’ve down-checked it years ago, but have been far more successful at spending nothing on it, this year.

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I was just talking about what i have experienced.

I have had some great comebacks because the enemy team all wents planes and my team got the caps.

I get where you are coming from but i am not sure that such a game will be made anytime soon. But i would be down to try out any if they do arise.