- Yes
- No
- Tech Tree
- Premium
- Event
- Squadron vehicle
- I said no
- 1.0
- 1.3
- 1.7
- 2.0
- I said no

General information
The FC.20 was a twin engine reconnaissance bomber/ground attack monoplane made by CANSA. A subsidiary of FIAT. In response to a 1938 Italian Air Ministry requirement for a new tactical reconnaissance aircraft with combat capability, Giacomo Mosso began designing a high-speed monoplane capable of performing the tasks of a daytime reconnaissance bomber and other purposes depending on the given setting and task such as attacker aircraft for land and sea targets. It was the first and only CANSA aircraft designed from the beginning as a combat vehicle. To speed up the construction of the new plane, it was decided to borrow wings, landing gear and engines from the already existing FIAT CR.25, whereas fuselage, glass nose and a double-drift tail were brand new. The prototype registered MM.403 and made it’s first flight on the 12th of April 1941 taking off from the Cameri airport, where CANSA had it’s base. During the tests, the aircraft reached speeds of 467 km/h. The practical range of 1150km satisfied the Regia Aeronautica however, the aircraft did not meet the requirements set by the Regia Aeronautica and Ca.331 was chosen instead. It seemed that the fate of FC.20 was sealed but fortunately for CANSA that wasn’t the case. New Chief of Staff of the Regia Aeronautica Rino Corso Fougier evaluated the importance of heavy fighters being suitable for fighting armored vehicles, made on the basis of the experience gained by the Luftwaffe on the Russian front with the use of both converted Ju-87,Ju-88 aircraft and Hs-129 specifically designed for such use. CANSA, having received such support, redesigned the prototype FC.20 (MM.403), installing a 37-mm cannon on it. In this suggestion we are taking a look at the original machine that didn’t meet the requirements of Regia Aeronautica. -
2x wing root mounted 12,7mm Breda SAFAT
1x backward facing 12,7mm Breda SAFAT
1x backward facing 7,7mm machine gun (Breda SAFAT probably)
bombs up to 252kg -
2xFiat A.74 RC. 38 engines giving 840hp each
Max Speed: 260mph or 420kph at 4.500meters
Weight: 4,770kg (empty) and 6,820kg (full)
Range: 1,150km
Ceiling: 7,350m
Crew: 2 or 3 -
CANSA FC.20 (airwar.ru)
CANSA F.C.20 - reconnaissance (aviastar.org)
CANSA FC.20 History and Specifications - Comando Supremo
Italian Aircraft of WWII: C.A.N.S.A. FC.20 (italianaircraftwwii.blogspot.com)
FIAT CANSA FC.20 (narod.ru) -