Cannon barrel collision

Yes I really would love another mechanic which makes the game even less fun like the atgm changes /s

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Cannon barrel collision? No thankyou.

I can’t help but think there are many realistic elements to tank warfare that the community might think they want and really wouldn’t enjoy if they actually had the experience that real tank crews had or have. I mean how about real-life suspension failure so you can 't move for the rest of the game? How would you all like that? How would you like the real life break down rate of the Chieftain? Dead on the spawn point. That’s your game before it started.

Whole point of not even taking tanks into built up areas if possible is the fact that barrels hit lampposts and telegraph poles and tanks fall into cellars or basements due to the weight etc. etc.

War Thunder has no infantry, it’s a million miles away from realistic in its game play. It is a baffling contradiction to the detail that goes into the vehicles themselves.

Check out the current debate about the Abrams then have a think about what that tank will be doing in the game and the map it will be playing on, the enemies it will is gobbledygook, it really is. It’s not reality in anyway. I can’t make the link between the detail of the vehicles and the lack of detail in the actual game. I just played the Italian AUBL/74 against Tiger IIs, this is your "Realistic " game.


Are you seriously suggesting that adding collision meshes to barrels, which is… what… 16 polys? would “be an absolute nightmare for your FPS”. LMAO - I invite you to play naval.
Game can handle it just fine.
You’re talking an absolute nonsense.


I’m talking about adding collision meshes to everything that isn’t a barrel that would need to be modified to the point it actually works. Imagine coming up against a ruin with a window in it and not being able to stick your barrel through because there’s no mesh on the window - they’d never hear the end of it.

So no, I’m not talking nonsense. Come back when you’ve worked with 3D engines and collision detection ;)

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Personally, I think that there’s no need for that to work, at least initially. Moreover: I don’t see anyone here asking for that. Leave maps as they are. Just make barrels collidable.

Just a reminder for you: We already have vehicles in ground forces with collidable barrels. It works fine as-is.


This could give a lot of chance for smart players in inferior vehicles to use superior tactics to defeat stronger tanks.


Good. Urban maps are horrible as is. Maybe gaiji will work on real game design and not absurd 1.5kmx1.5km COD maps that benefit a certain type of nations vehicles


This idea was already there on the old version of forums. It is extremely expensive to implement something like this because you have a problem of unstoppable train vs impenetrable wall to solve.

This kind of mechanic would crap itself out so many times without you knowing what is happening that you’d wish you didn’t ask for it in the first place. The core of it is doable, but then there’s hundreds on hundreds of edge cases to be handled with custom code.


Good point. Now that they added collision damage to ships, it has plenty of issues. Sometimes I maneuver extremely slowly next to a coast, I gently touch it, and then spontaneously explode.


Imagine what should happen if you have a hole in the wall cover that you’re now shooting through. You drive towards it and in theory your barrel gets into the whole and then what? You cannot move your gun sideways - there needs to be detection of that. What about the tank itself? Can it turn with neutral steering or not? If that’s something with neutral steering how do we limit the barrel being kept in that hole. Similar issues will happen if we’re talking about trees and a long barrel sticking between them, but that could be handled by breaking trees always or breaking the barrel…

I recommend anyone who has those kind of ideas to try and think about it why you cannot drive onto S-tank (Swedish wedge tank) or onto any other vehicles. It’ll be a similar kind of issue that a lot of stuff could happen and therefore it’s limited/safeguarded by some custom code so we cannot drive a tank on top of another tank.

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Mabye the barrels could knock out/kill crewmembers? Well, the pressure of even a smaller 20mm or 30mm barrel would take out most living thing

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I like it for immersiveness. +1

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It’s already solved.

We already have vehicles with barrels that do have a collision model in them.

It works just fine.

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If I remember there’s that french event vehicle SPG as an example that someone brought in the old forums thread - I checked that and no - it’s not actual collision - what it does is safeguarding coming too close when you’re driving forward against obstacle, but it can still overlap obstacles in various ways.

Can you list example vehicles that you think “work fine” with this?

Bkan 1C, the other one is Lorraine 155 Mle.50, but that’s a super-rare vehicle that almost none owns.

And I don’t know what you mean by “it’s not actual collision”. I don’t own Lorraine 155, neither do you, so… 🤷‍♂️

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I don’t have Bkan 1C and I’m not close enough in Swedish Tree to test it ou.

You can test it through wiki because it’s not a tech tree vehicle, which makes it so that you can preview it and activate test drive: Lorraine 155 Mle.50 - War Thunder Wiki (log in on the wiki page and press [Show in Game] button).

Go to a Bunker:

Stand next to the corner of the bunker

Rotate the gun sideways into the wall

Last time I checked it had avoidance which caused it to stop if you were driving forward at a wall, so it felt like it had collision handling in that case of driving forward with the barrel in front, so the barrel wouldn’t go into the wall, but you could wiggle the barrel and still drive into the wall. It looks like the whole mechanic isn’t there now anymore on Lorraine 155, so I’d probably have to grind a bit to be able to test drive the bkan to see if it still has that safeguard mechanic.

What is happening is not that you have actual collision, but the mechanic that is not letting you climb places where the game doesn’t want you to go is involved, like for example you cannot climb on top of the wedge tank positioned as a ramp, or other flat-top tanks placed in a way that you could be driving on top of them. So instead full proper physical collision (not talking about PhysX here) where you would properly calculate the colliding objects interaction, the game is pushing away whole vehicle, so it’s more of a collision avoidance/repulsion than actual collision of the components of vehicle.


I checked Bkan in a test drive after grinding remaining required tanks before it:

Right now it doesn’t have it, but I understand it had the same behavior as Lorraine 155. And for Bkan actually it would make a lot of sense because it’s cannot cannot really go outside of the hull outline, so the limit needs to only be on not driving with its barrel into the wall, but that’s it. That was how it was made in Lorraine 155 when I checked it last time when we had this argument on the old forums thread.

Anyway it wasn’t a proper barrel collision detection but just preventing tank to go forward if barrel was sticking out at front, and that’s just one case.

that would be lovely when you destroy someone’s engine it acutely matter cuz they can do an instant 180 with their turret


first it is called a Gun tube ( for calibers above 40mm and barrel below, from 20mm its a cannon) in every modern tank , is build in in the turret rotation a set of frictionplates ( just like a motorcycle clutch) so if u hit a tree sideways the turres wil rotate to not dammage the guntube , headon collisions wil damage the un. good idea to get this in the game , if they want to call it RB.

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I think this would be a really neat feature to have in SB. (If not RB, just due to the masses not likely accepting such a change.) Adds an extra dimension to playing for sure.

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