this is how most tanks get knocked out in the real world, disabled and then a crew bails or there’s just a pile of ash and scrap metal depending on what hit it
you can overpressure every tank in game by hitting the bottom of the track no you dont
probably isn’t an unrealistic thing in the real world, tanks arent exactly urban brawlers to begin with because there’s a dude with an IED or RPG around any corner.
HE gameplay sucks already, id rather it be in a way that I can think “yea fair enough that would absolutely nuke me in reality” HE to the undercarriage, yea fair enough, HE to the top of a conquerers mantlet, nah
I have J’d out when taking a stupidly high amount of damage and not died on several occasions because I know how annoying it is when your shell should have left nothing but a centurion-shaped burn mark on the floor but I’m still alive. I just think its fair play like how I won’t shoot a plane on its airfield in ARB unless its the last guy and I’m being impatient
Oh, don’t forget that if you see 8.3, a Gepard can just Spray N’ Pray into your cupola and you are dead. A vehicle with insanely fast turret traverse and gun laying speed compared to you too.
Though SPAAs being way too good at killing tanks sometimes is another issue.
At least you have a chance of destroying a T-55AM-1 before he can destroy you.
I hate these things, especially M109.
Whats the point of the Tiger II and Panther beefy turret and gun mantlet armor, when the stupid 155 shell just flies against it, and detonates downwards into the hull, killing everyone inside.
I dont think the engineeres back in the day designed their Panzers to be shot at frontally by artillery vehicles that think they are tanks.
Would not happen irl tho. Plenty of proof of that in the current ongoing war.
And ontop of that, we had one XA-180M crash (not in Ukraine) at 80kmh into a ditch going about 5 meters forwards in the ditch and than slammed into a big rock. Beyond crew injuries, the apc suffered one loss of a wheel and part of the frontal armour was ripped open from weld lines where it hit, about 5x5cm “hole”.
The APC still worked fine, was able to move on its own power and didnt magically explode.
Artillery isnt meant to be direct fire so literally no tank is meant to deal with HE slingers. At least we don’t have a WoT artillery mechanic because I would have left this game too if there was