Can you please Fix APHE Overpressure and overmatch? This is getting annoying as all hell

An HE isn’t already?


Bruh i’ve seen ENTIRE team’s of 7.7 Mediums and Heavies be wiped by a Squad of Vidar’s in like 3 minutes.

It was in favour of a test until WT YouTubers made videos on it.

we had a vote on pure hypothesis for all instead of a vote after a test, voted on by the people that tested it so know what is actually on the table

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The VIDAR is OP because it gets LRF, thermals, decently mobile platform, and its .50cal proof.

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That’s more of a VIDAR issue than an HE issue. It’s just an undertiered tank.

HE is only consistent on very large guns, and it can’t really be used on smaller ones.

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big HE is already OP, using the M109 or G6 at 6.7 is too easy. and VIDAR can still get free nukes at 11.7.

A tank simply can’t survive a whacking huge bomb. if it makes HE slingers “OP” they shift up in BR, HE slinger mains stay happy because their shells do more damage, WW2 enjoyers rejoice that the modern artillery is where it belongs with the modern kit


HE is only viable on tanks with large calibre guns. Try using this OP HE using the Panther’s 75. Also usually any HE slingers have massive drawbacks like having no armour, long reload, slow mobility, no turret rotation, etc…

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And what does Gaijin seem bound and determined to keep adding until the end of time?

OH YEAH, Artillery vehicles that have NO place in the game so they give them OP AF HE to compensate for that fact.

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on smaller bore guns i dont even take HE, seeing as we can’t unload a shell after a shell is loaded its quicker to hit twice for a kill with AP than to waste a shell in the air and then fire an HE and its reserved for open-top tanks only if I do. tanks only had HE for anti-personnel so it really wasn’t meant for tank on tank to begin with. The change would be negligible on small bores anyway only really affecting things from 120mm and up in any way of notoriety unless its a really obscure weakpoint

Heavytanker only really plays the Black Prince heavy at 6.0 so his views are majorly skewed by seeing M109 paladin and 2s1/2s3m HE slingers at a BR that was only WW2 stuff until a year or so ago. the WW2 enjoyer chads are having it rough with random mid to late cold war vehicles throwing salt in their 1940s style tea


Except at higher tiers, large calibre guns start becoming common. Most notably the Russian 125mm on the T series tanks.

and they already delete Most tanks with HE, do you not remember the Russian HE plague?

Its not as prevalent anymore, BUT it still happens.

the shells are still not quite as potent as shells fired by field artillery guns, and the tanks at that BR are significantly tougher in build than at the lower ranks so still not a major change.

I play alot more than the BP, but i play alot of that mid tier range, and its annoying as all fuck.

Yeah but it was mostly impractical. You had to aim for the roof mostly or under the tank to overpressure from the floor. I tried it and it was very inconsistent.

Not really. Top tier tanks have a lot of weak armour plating angled at extreme angles as a defense against AP rounds or weak armour plating designed to be hidden behind hills. HE would just go through cleanly. For example, the M1’s hull roof, Leo2’s hull roof, Challenger’s LFP, most of the Type10, most of the Ariete, etc… Oh and MBT side armour, if they’re angled even a little bit, HE would catch it and hullbreak.

Also any shot to the engine bay even if the tank is not fully exposed would hull break, so if this “modified hullbreak” gets added, HE will literally be the most OP shell.

All of which can be overpressured easily with HE in those spots already. modern MBTs aren’t unkillable, did you see what was left of that challenger 2 in Kursk? HE ought to be terrifying because it is, at least top tier players have the speed and responsive enough tanks to take HE slingers on negating their potency. 6.0-8.0 doesn’t that’s all ww2 to late 50s stuff at best

I don’t think you understand. MOST of an MBT is hullbreakable by HE. The engine bay, the side armour, the roof, hull roof, floor, any small plating.

The difference between overpressure and your definition of hullbreak is that overpressure only works if there is damage to an internal module. Hullbreak on the other hand is just deformation that would count as a hullbreak which is significantly easier to achieve. That’s why overpressure seems inconsistent, because the HE round needs to damage an internal module for it to hurt the crew members inside.