Can you please Fix APHE Overpressure and overmatch? This is getting annoying as all hell

Because ah yes, a absolute Garbage WW2 Era APHE round not even PENETRATING the mantlet of a Conqueror, yah know the thing designed to go toe to toe with the IS-7 and such, Overpressures it and kills it in one garbage hit.

THIS HAS TO STOP, its happening to me in my Black Prince even by 88 shells that don’t even penetrate the side armor yet make the ammunition cook off, or just KOing the crew without fail.

just earlier in the same play session, i had a 88 PZGR round, yah know the WORST round the Tiger gets, GO THROUGH the turret roof of my T-34, and overpressure my entire crew, While i was hull down.

Open topped vehicles i understand, BUT some of the largest and heaviest armored tanks ever built? THEY are susceptible to this APHE overpressure garbage? REALLY?

But meanwhile HESH doesn’t get any Overpressure, not even the FV4005 which is firing 37lb/17kg of C4 High Explosive at a tank.


playerbase said no. im on your side here


how TF? when i voted it was like 80% positive to making the change.


Gaze upon the Explosive power of 34 pounds of C4, over DOUBLE what the Vidar and such fire.




it was 65% when i voted a day after the vote opened. It seems to have been completely bombed by people sent by YouTubers as they were the only people that I saw any hostility towards the testing of a change. I really don’t like that they had a vote on if a mechanic should be tested, it should have been voted on after a dev server, and only by people who played on the dev server to combat a raid like this


the AVREs hesh works a lot more consistently despite having slightly less TNT filler. the FV4005 in reality likely had another 10lbs of plastic explosives inside of the shells than in WT as well

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Those changes are for spalling nerf. Overpressure will remain unchanged.


Overpressure still needs fixed.

Id rather have HULLBREAK back than how it is now.


Hullbreak was ass. Sometimes any kinetic penetration on a light tank will hullbreak the tank, even if its some useless plating with nothing behind it.


Light tanks legit break from crashing, having a Super Sonic hunk of Steel go flying through them would cause some problems.

Crazy that you prefer this over overpressure.

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Yes. Because that is a Super Sonic round tearing through thin armor plate, causing damage to welds and such all around the vehicle.

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Also the same hullbreak mechanic:

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Combine the two Mechanics then. Overpressure and Hullbreak, it was already that way for a while, you could Hullbreak M18s and such for a long time even after Overpressure was added.

Just get rid of Overpressure on APHE, its total bull.

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And no this would not hullbreak. It would definitely unsettle the plating but not enough to completely hullbreak it. Its a sub calibre round going near mach 5, there isn’t enough time for energy transfer to rip the entire plate off the vehicle. Imagine a toothpick going really fast hitting a piece of paper, it’ll only tear a small hole, not cause it to completely rip.

Maybe if its a giant solid AP round like the T34’s cannon. MAYBE.

Im sure the wonky overpressurisation from APHE would also be tweaked if they were proposing an overhaul to how the shell works in game.

Im not going to ask for hullbreak back as I’ve seen the clips and that was a disaster, I would be in favour of an “overwhelming damage” or “structural integrity loss” mechanic being added though

you don’t need to read this if you don’t care I’m just going to spit my idea out there

similar to air severe damage in its awarding if its not a killing blow but is a kill if a lot of damage is inflicted to a tank in a single hit (from HE or HESH majorly) which would have twisted the frame and (in the case of big HE and HESH) thrown the turret off the tank from the blast it kills.
as a small example if a tiger APHE shell lodged in a turret ring that would probably kick the turret off the ring gear on lighter tanks making for a longer repair than just the drive, and in more severe cases making the whole tank a write-off because the frame around the ring is also long gone.

Ill use FV4005 as an extreme example (this isn’t just because I want an FV4005 buff for accuracy’s sake) as it would be most affected by the change I would like to see, but it would apply scaled to all explosive shells accordingly. from the side FV4005 wont consistently kill a conqueror despite in actual tests it was as damaging as if you dropped a 500kg bomb next to it, it also ripped a centurions hull clean in half yet there’s voids on the centurions where absolutely nothing will happen when hit, if damage was accurate, there wouldn’t be a tank left and certainly no evidence of a crew.

TLDR hullbreak sucked but an middle ground between it and overpressure would be better.


That has nothing to do with overpressure, nothing would change with shells that have it.

Don’t take my words at face value, since I’m not privy to how Gaijin handles such things, but apparently the vote was rigged by people who prefer APHE rounds as they currently are (to the detriment of everybody else).

Because stuff like this happened

In a perfect world then yeah adding a correct hulbreak mechanic would be cool but in reality it would be difficult to determine what counts as a hullbreak and it could also potentially make HE really OP.