Perhaps, but I find discussion can at least help raise awareness. Hopefully if enough people get talking, someone might feel compelled to fix them rather than leave them selved and broken.
Have you used them recently? I had some good success with the G.91Y, and every nord that made a hit, at the very least did critical damage. Some even died instantly.
I use them near daily. They’re incredibly inconsistent. They have not made any changes for months.
And if that one is too close, you know rMin and all, if that even exists for this missile (I know the proxy fuse has a .5 second arm time and it was close), this one nearly direct hit at a much less danger close range. The fins of the missile were only an inch or two away.
This was before the last update but nords haven’t received any changes.
Or this one yesterday:
And countless other clips of them doing absolutely nothing.
And countless others that I have saved over months of these being bugged. I would love to see them get fixed. It’s a terrible shame such a fun niche mechanic just goes ignored for nearly a year. I understand they’re niche and not a huge portion of players use them, but 9 months is crazy for a bug that is honestly game breaking for those who do use it.
Oh, here’s a screenshot I took from the replay of that one against the 104:
And just for good measure, here’s another common outcome. The ‘critical hit’ that actually really doesn’t matter too much.
51lb warhead by the way.
And this is not saying they do not kill at all!
They do still have some damage, but they’re wildly inconsistent at best and blatantly will not do damage at worst.
Interesting. Guess i was just lucky. Will have to do some more. Nords are so fun and unique.
I think the most annoying part is, the average person doesn’t even know they’re terrible. It goes completely unheard of.
Here’s one from today:
peak CBT
It’s true, they are extremely inconsistent, especially in frontal aspect. I don’t know why but in rear aspect they seem much more consistent.
In frontal aspect I think I had one successful kill. Two times I tried it on a F-104 during an head-on and I clearly saw it exploding behind the enemy aircraft without doing any damage.
No one uses them because they are bad = no one reports the problem = the missile stays bad/gets worse = no one uses them because they are bad. Welcome to the war thunder death spiral.
The very sad truth.
Its from a couple months back and is in the primary bug report, but this is my crown jewel for this bug.
Proceeded to detonate behind them and blow off a single flap (or elevator, can’t remember which)
It’s the same thing with the Rato pods on the kikka it took literal years for them to actually spawn in the first time
I realize these aren’t the best shots possible, but I mean… come on, 3 hits and he’s still able to out-run me and maneuver?
I’m mostly amazed #1 was a crit and #2 wasn’t
it would be interesting to see how much damage each one actually did to him
I could drag up the replays later. AA20s are so wildly inconsistent that I stopped even looking at the damage because it’s usually next to nothing. Flap here, some fuselage damage there, if you’re lucky maybe skme wing or elevator damage. Almost never does it daamge the engine, and I think I’ve set a single fire since March.
First Shot:
The Damage:
Second Shot:
The Damage:
Third Shot:
The Damage:
I’ve had 9Bs detonate very close to their 9 meter proxy distance and they at least set fires, damage engines or destroy whatever control surface they were close to, ie, wing or elevators.
This is THREE AA20s with nearly THREE times the warhead size of a 9B, I get that their proxy distance is 15m instead of 9, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize something is wrong and needs to be fixed. It’s nearly been a year since this bug has been introduced and there is absolutely zero indication of them receiving attention. It’s tragic and insanely frustrating for the devs to completely disregard something that is actually game-breaking. It isn’t some niche minor correction of some statistic like a few kg off an aircraft’s mass or a few mm on a tank’s belly pan, no… these just blatantly don’t work and they are a primary way of downing enemies for some aircraft and the secondary for even more.
Unchanged in recent update.
but we got a new american and russian prem!
used them yesterday on the g91 in a couple matches, out of like a dozen head on proxy detonations only 1 actually did any damage, one of them blew up right above a mig15s cockpit and did nothing…
Please for the love of god, fix these missiles. It’s unfair that others get missiles that do damage without having to divert attention. This is infuriating.