Can we STOP giving Light tanks Proximity fuse?

I’m sorry but something like a Beglight should NOT be a better SPAA than any of the actual SPAA at its tier, it just SOULDN’T BE.

I have been shot down more by No effort Beglights as i try and dog fight and help my team by taking out CAS more times than i can COUNT.

Kind of a stretch to say that it is better at anti air than the gepard 1a2.

Probbly better vs helis that are between 2.2-3km though.

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The Begleitpanzer 57 isn’t better than the 9.3 AAs, though. Hell, it’s not even better than the 8.0 ones.


I’d say we give everybody HEVT ammunition, the more vehicles has them the better, so tired of CAS spam in ground battles. Why don’t these guys who spawn CAS within 2 minutes of the game go back to air RB?? Lol


Air rb is a game of dogfights and boom n zoom. Cas hardly has a place. For high tier, guided weapons have an awful cost to reward ratio.

Not to mention the lack of dynamic gameplay for cas. The ai are always doing the same thing everytime.

They really should give HEVT to all vehicles that can get it. They should also rework the fuse for timed fuse shells so they are actually usable.


Good luck playing CAS in air RB lmao. In sim it’s better, but it’s still unrewarding compared to the reward you get.

Good news, it’s not!


this guy reappears every couple months and does nothing but complain holy jesus


If the Missile SPAAs like the Ozelot or the LAV-AD would lock Helicopters at more than 2000m distance, then yeah, we could take away proxy fuses…however, the ATGMs on Helicopters outrange the IR SAM capabilities and therefore we need actually more light vehicles with proxy fuses and IRST.


Cry some more. Love shooting SU-25 out the sky with Begleit. SU-25 think they can dodge all missiles, so you give them some HE-VT love. This is how it should be.


Aight, I’m hi-jacking the topic - Why we need light tanks with HE-VT:

SU-25 and A-10 deserve to be obliterated. Simple as that.

Oh, and what dog fight are you talking about OP? Most of the time, these SU-25 are on a team with a full array of SPAA that has already cleared the sky and made it safe for them. Until ol’ mate HE-VT, that is.


Begleit is worse than the 9.3 SPAA in the game.
Begleit has a range of ~2km, 9.3 SPAA has a range of ~5 - 6km.

CAS is not bad at 9.3 either.

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lol, no


I mean if you’re dogfighting over the battlefield at 9.3 literally any AA will kill you lol


Bagelpanzer isn’t the biggest offender in my opinion, although it is undertiered. The bigger offender is the 2S38 (which is equally as undertiered).

I got eaten so many times alive by CAS in light verhicles they should have some self defense


Getting killed by CAS is so rare in anything other than Magach 6B Gal and M901 (idk why but they’re both just giant CAS magnets) that It’s not even considered a threat anymore.

The only place where CAS is a threat is when fighting Russia at toptier.

As usual the issue boils down to matches being too short, if you can get your plane within the first minute of the battle, and the match lasts over 10 minutes, the reward are fine. Still less than ARB, but for the attackers that have been cursed with a deeply idiotic ARB BR like the Su-25SM3 and 2000D, it’s a perfectly serviceable way to farm.

That’s because your play style is zero defensive and couldn’t survive most tank to tank encounters, the only reason you claim you didn’t die to CAS is that 90% of the time your ground vehicles were already killed by enemy ground vehicles, people could easily tell it by looking at the numbers bro

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