Can we STOP giving Light tanks Proximity fuse?

I’m almost annoyed that OP hasn’t called out the WZ305. It deserves the respect, it deserves all the tears from CAS. It’s been in the business of making no fly zones for over 5 years now.


Begleitpanzer 57 was DESGINED to be AA support, especially against helicopters. There was even a higher increased elevation variant planned.

Only thing I’m sad about is the Begleit and other light vehicles not getting the deployable ammo boxes. You can chew through the HE-VT pretty easily if you’re taking a mix of APHE and HE-VT. Give us more variants, Gaijin - more elevation and more ammo.


No, I don’t think so, I love sniping helicopters and planes out of the sky with my Begleit. Oh, and btw, it doesn’t even get IRST, git good.


You said it yourself dawg, it’s ’AIR’ RB, not ’Slam the living shit out of ground targets’ RB. Strike/bombers in Air RB are defenseless free kills.

Why because it can fight back CAS?


What’s the maximum range of the 57mm again? I think it’s well over 4km because I’ve managed to hit helicopter from such a distance lol despite having very little matches in it, I find this thing doesn’t even need a lead indicator lol



Let’s see what the majority of players think!

  • Should more Light tanks get Proximity Fused shells and IRST?
  • Should more Light tanks get Proximity Fused shells (but not more with IRST)?
  • Should more Light tanks get IRST (but not more with Proximity Fused Shells)?
  • There should be zero Light tanks with Proximity Fused shells and/or IRST because I cannot perform well using Planes in normal Air battles and have to play CAS in Ground Battles to feel adequate 😭
0 voters

The ability to provide effective close range SPAA cover as you are in a vehicle that does well in CQB Vs tanks and so can stick with your team near the objectives where aircraft without guided weapons are likely to be. This is where it may be stronger than dedicated SPAA which may need to operate more defensively and be further away from the action.

Such ability is fair and reasonable however and adds an extra layer of challenger for anyone in aircraft. What is unfair is the lack of HEVT for all nations or even SPAA at that BR for all nations.

Was actually playing quite a bit of 9.3 last night and I wish I had either an IFV/SPAA with prox fuse or an IR SAM slinger for Britain at that BR, being stuck with the 8.3 SPAAs kinda sucks.


“You aren’t suffering from the problem that I’m suffering from, that’s clearly cause you’re a worse player from me”

lmao this is the most hilariously pathetic CAS hater argument out there.

Yeah, it’s longer than 4KM, it was just a guesstimation in that video I uploaded for this topic. That was from 2020, I just remember seeing a small dot towards their heli pad and no-scope firing a few shots at it. But I’ve certainly had longer range hits when actually looking through the sights. WZ305 and PGZ09 are a lovely pair.

I hear you, but I do find some of those early missile SPAA to be more bark than bite - such as the Santal. I do wish Britain had a proxi round for the ZA-35, it would just be the cherry on top. Even if the ZA-35 has to go up in BR, I think it would be worth it. Edit: Actually - scratch that, it never had them in real life. Surely, Britain has something that can fill the gap, then.

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The tribe has spoken

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Yeah, they may not be overly effective but would still be fun to have. My hope would be for a rover armed with an LML Javelin.

Small, fast but unarmoured armed with a MANPAD. I think would be ideal at 9.0/9.3.

Combine with a Warrior VERDI II at 10.0 ISH with I think prox fuse rounds in the gun and starstreaks


Lol no


You had me at rover, tbh. Gaijin add it, please.

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They should increase the BR of the Beglight to 9.7

man alive, I can’t tell you how nice it is to see that happen xD


LOL! Ok, which one of you guys actually clicked it? 🤣🤣🤣

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What kind of CAS the German have that made your team spaa and you can’t shot down rapidly?

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