2S38 doesn’t even mach my Type 89 KDR
I thought we’d not base arguments on KDR now.
2S38 has a worse penning round
That the 2S38 fires twice as fast with 5x the total ammo count. Not to speak of the prox HE ammo against helicopters and aircraft.
less survivable
Highly doubt that’s the case. The HSTVL can get penned by 12.7mm from the side and some spots from the front where the 2S38 has 40mm of combined armor consiting of steel blocks added to the hull armor.
and slightly worse optics [zoom]
Actually it’s the other way around, the 2S38 has an optic with higher max zoom (9.4x), 3rd gen instead of 1st gen thermals and IRST
“But its turret is unmanned.” with 5 degrees of gun depression, and the most common maps are CQC maps
You got it. CQC maps, where gun depression plays none to a marginal role in performance.
…and the most common maps are CQC maps where IFVs are less effective which includes 2S38.
What do you base that assumption on? What makes the 2S38 worse then the HSTVL in these conditions?
Both have next to no armor, a fast (or even faster) firing gun, an autoloader and ammo in the center of the vehicle. The difference being that the 2S38 has these components much more spaced out with more air in between.
In these CQC maps, height of the vehicle isn’t as important as well since you can’t hide behind some distant vegitation, hill etc. If youre spotted, youre spotted within a distance that makes the siluette of the tank less of a factor. Nobody will “take a HSTVL as a bush” from 50m away because it has a smaller siluette.
I also addressed all those bolded points, you even quoted my statement addressing those points.
You didn’t “adress” these points, you literally just declared them to be irrelevant for some reason only you know. That’s not how this works. Who are you to invalidate factors on which vehicles are balanced off.
Don’t you think a vehicle that has autotracking, 3rd gen thermals, LWR and prox fuse rounds would be placed on a higher br then the same vehicle without those features?
If not, why don’t we just remove the proxy rounds from the 2S38, change the 3rd gen thermals for 2nd gen and then just leave it at the same br, because it doesn’t matter for the br placement, does it?