Can we expect any updates to the gameplay at all?

I feel like this has been on topic and off a gazillion times.
May we please have at least one of these changes implemented I feel i’m speaking for the whole community that at least one of these is sought after by more than half of the playerbase and would in fact have a positive outcome.

Can we actually expect any changes to the servers themselves?
Better tickrate for example would make missiles behave much better, currently missiles with high G capability are held back by this and they overcorrect due to low tickrate and possibly other issues. (sure that’d be hard to implement but at least let us know if such a change is even in your minds and if it’s not put it up there)
People getting disconnected mid games despite all of their other games and internet connection being fine.
Server packet loss issues, major lobby crashes where everyone just gets kicked and crew locked.

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Rework of the crew lock feature, that way it doesn’t punish the player for not doing anything bad → crew lock to team killers for example, currently there’s a miniscule tax for killing a teammate, i say for a teamkill you should get crew locked, that way people actually think before firing a missile (would save a lot of people in top tier)

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Smaller team sizes for crying out loud for top tier, any youtuber who’s posted a poll about team sizes, 16v16 was always the least chosen as favourite.
The fact that the option to participate in smaller size battles does not work at all, at least in my experience, i have that option checked, and like a schizo before a launch a game i make sure it’s checked because i don’t even remember the last time i played a 12v12 - currently i’d like to say i participated in a 12v12 back in the day.

Whichever manager at gaijin though about their 16v16 matches and loading times - that’s a load of bs if you know anything about math jesus christ, you might as well admit that the servers suck and wouldn’t be able to hold as many lobbies if we doubled them because of smaller team sizes.
And even if that wasn’t the case, then why not do it?
I feel like if i speak for the community “we’re tired of 16v16

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How about we spice up the gameplay by actually being able to play - 90% of realistic battles look like this:
Take off - fly for a minute, die to a fox3 (for the casual gamer)
Take off - fly for two minutes, look for targets to kill, realize everyone’s dead (the better players)
Take off - fly for two minutes, realize the whole enemy team is on you becuase your whole team is dead (the better players but the other way around)
What about respawning? it’s used in arcade, i don’t see a reason why respawning couldn’t be an option in realistic since matches last like 5 seconds and loading takes 1/5th of that according to gaijin, that’s a long loading time if you ask me.

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Make battles more interesting - time change not just weather, or add more weather options in general
Currently there are a couple options for time, 99% is daytime, once in a while i see a dusk where you can’t see shit with and without NVG’s and that’s about it, what about night at top tier, every single plane has NVG’s, that would make for AWESOME battles for such low effort of change (and if it’s implemented for gods help don’t make it a switch button, just implement it normally)
Weather changes, currently it’s just clouds, you either see the runway upon spawn or you don’t that’s about it - what about rain, just plain simple effect of rain with some backround rain noise at the runway, or snowing, currently all matches are held at 12:00 in the summer, with occasional cloudy day and it gets BORING REALLY FAST.

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I’ll let the rest of the forum speak up, but oh lord please someone hear us, or tell me i’m schizo and it’s only me who’s feeling like this, i’ll go lock myself up in a home for the crazy people ig.


night battles in ar RB would be awesome ^^

Adding a new game mode would also be fine instead of always cap the flag we could use a type like in bf where you had to arm or disarm a difuse system ^^

One team attacks points (they get double the spawn options let’s say) and the defending team plays normal you have 2 points to defend (normal caps) you lose them the front line falls back to another part of the map ^^

This would make big maps a chance to shine and would add a new game style

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Hold out one hand to get any meaningful updates to this game, then hold out your other hand to get deification in. Now guess which one will be filled first.


We used to have that. Playerbase hated it for some reason so it got removed

In Sim EC battles often starts in the evening and after 1 or 2 hours of play we look at beautiful sunset.

War Thunder game engine has no transition from light to dark… Sun just stucks behind horizon.

I remember they advertized dynamic weather, wind, precipitation.
Still don’t have it.
Looks like they have a lot of features, but they turn em off in battles.

We had it. Dont know why it got removed.

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We also can have wind that affects aircraft (and maybe even projectiles).

It exists in game, just turned off in battles.

And we also had cool destructable buildings decade ago

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So we won’t get update news until the tail end of the Month