Can the Su-39 finally receive the Khod FLIR, and maybe the Kinzhal-S?

Much already have been said about it, so i just leave some comments on each thing, and some links with all the source.

Bug reports corcerning these “missing features” of the Su-39.

SU-25TM(SU-39) missing KHOD FLIR pod // // Issues

Su-39 Missing “Khod/Kinzhal” pod (FLIR+RADAR) // // Issues

Su-39 Missing “Kinzhal” MMW // // Issues

Visual confirmations of the khod container and a scheme:

Spoiler 1

External pods

SU-25TM Khod3

There is also a third pod that was datamined and till this day it still in slumber. I don’t even know it would hold, but my guess is if the Mercury and Khod used the same container, this one was used for testing the Kinzhal-S on the T8TM-2.

Three containers below:


by Overscan
"This Mercuriiy pod was displayed on the Su-25TM - the shutter covers the sensitive optics. Whether it was functional, I don’t know. The results of testing were not good. It was intended to be replaced by a Khod FLIR in the same container.

This is the Mercuriiy for the Su-25 below. It has the fixed circular wide-angle view lens as on the V-80 prototype and a separate and a narrow-view lens that is moveable. Source: Ildar Bedretdinov book on Su-25"

Soviet targeting pods (Mercuriy LLTV) | Secret Projects Forum

And Gaijin judges it as such, because in game Mercury uses the same container as Khod.

Su-39 suffers immensily with any bad weather. Rain and clouds makes you incapable of engaging any targets far than 7Km. The only USSR aircraft that have a thermal imager is the Su-25SM3, and the Su-34 has the Kh-38MT, which the Su-34 can use the thermal seekers on the missiles to see.

Hardly you would find NATO aircraft at this 11.3 lacking a thermal imager – even the Chinese got thermal imagers

The Khod FLIR would be essential, but having also the possibility of Kinzhal-S would be very interesting because it also is able to guide the Vikhrs missiles, just as the kopyo-25 does, but being able to track static objects. Thus the vikhr could be a very effective weapon for use with the mmW radar, in a very unique play style.


su-25T also should get khod pod


It’s just a matter of time, there’s no way they continue to dodge and weave all the request for the Khod pod and ARH missiles right? Right…?


I feel like it’s just going to get ignored again. Though the dedication to it is nice, thank you.



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Go on and tell my why missiles like the RVV-AE and R-271 shouldn’t be added to the SU-39? It’d be entirely fine at the BR of 12.7 and would function as the counter to the AV-8B+.

People coped and whined about the SU-25BM receiving the R-73Es because it was thought to be a unnecessary and unbalanced addition and look where we are now.


Ah yes other buy your ways to fox 3 good idea hah?

Because it couldn’t use them. Yes the radar was capable of guiding them, but the aircraft wasn’t capable of firing and using them. It was a strike aircraft, an the missiles were mounted as a proof of concept. Gaijin also believes this, and it’s why they won’t be added. The same thing goes for the fake MiG-23-98 which also only mounted missiles as a proof of concept.


This has been a option for a while now, the JF-17 has access to the SD-10A, the JA 37DI also has access to the AIM-120s and we’re soon going to get the SU-33 albeit without ARH missiles but performance similar to top tier aircraft.

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Because it couldn’t use them. Yes the radar was capable of guiding them, but the aircraft wasn’t capable of firing and using them. It was a strike aircraft

This may of been true for the SU-25T and SU-25TM but this is just entirely untrue for the SU-39. The SU-39 was the successor in ways of the SU-25TM integrating a new FCS named after itself called the “SUO-39P”. The FCS was introduced onto the aircraft to ease implementation of new missiles like the RVV-AE and R-271 which haven’t been used on previous SU-25 variants before.

The goal for the SU-39 initiative was to produce a all weather multirole aircraft derived from the SU-25 for lower income nations such as Ethiopia or Egypt, not a strike aircraft like you mentioned prior.



I’m not sure where you’ve gotten the idea that the SU-39 could never actually fire both the RVV-AE or R-271.

This has been argued to death anyways, you should’ve known this already

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Gaijin ignores the issues with the kopyo-25. They ignore the sufficient evidence for the Khod FLIR. They ignore that they could ask Leninetz or the Patriot Park for info about the Kinzhal-S, as the addition of the radar could create a very unique playstyle for the Su-39, using the vikhr as a SARH guided A-G weapon.

Hell, I bet the VN-001 had less unclassified information about it to be found, and still Gaijin added it in the Mi-8AMTSh-VN – which also barely entered active service.

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Gajin accepted a bug report about it. How would they not add them?

Literally bruh


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I did not know about it. I was thinking before that it could get a “Su-25TM” modification, but this could interesting too.

its from book where devs take informations etc, so its first source

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So the Su-25T not receiving the Khod from the start also was a “balancing decision”.

This and the datamined container make me believe the devs know much more than the actual state of those aircraft imply.

mere bias and that’s it, the only aircraft with built-in thermal imaging is the su-25sm3. why give the soviets the rest? E.g. mig29smt/su27sm lacks sapsan-e. Also why give it.

What is that thermal imager? Russia produces it? I did have heard about sometimes but never took time to search it systematically.

Not only that, but did you know that right now the only SARH A-G weapon in the game is the vikhr on the Su-39? Keeping that mind is good to remember the mess that the kopyo-25 is, tracking the void and losing locks on MOVING TARGETS. Using the vikhr plus the radar could have been a absolutely unique play style if Gaijin haven’t butchered it completely.


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Funny how my bug report about the VN-001 on the Mi-8AMTSh-VN having the wrong radar band got a reply one day later, but already been four days of no response to the bug report I made about the Kopyo-25, which has strong evidence.