As you can see in the pictures . It says I have to buy 4 or more rank VII vehicles but I can research the Strv122A , since I could before the new update coming to the game .
So , can I research the Strv122A and buy it or I have to research the rest of VII vehicles ? I’m comfused
So if you have access to research of a vehicle you keep access to researching it even if the prerequisites change so you should no longer be able to research it. Idk about purchasing tho.
Thank you both of you for giving your time to answer me . I hope someone who knows might find this and clarify it for me and for other people if they come up with the same confusion as mine .
I feel it. Seems like every update, they add a vehicle in front of the on that I am close to finishing research on. I swear they look at my tech tree and do it on purpose.