Can more Canadian vehicles be added to the UK?

You mean like the US mains did when the F-16C was added and Gaijin was forced to add Aim-9M?

Or how about the F-15A this last patch when it couldnt steam roll everything?

Or how about the last what? 2 or 3 dev posts exclusively about the Abrams? including their reload rate buff?

It is rarely Britain mains that are whinning extensively and when we do complain, we have good reason.


If there is any Canadian Vehicle that truly needs to come to the game, it is:
Sexton Mk 1 and Mk II.
They should have come with the Bishop and M7 Priest during Kings of Battle as it was a Self-propelled Artillery-themed update.



As I said->Manufacturer=Tech tree. We can think it should go to this tree or what not but its just not going to happen.

I’ll stick to when it was moved, which was 1982. So yes you are right however no one knew about it in the masses.

It’s American propaganda(AKA lies about Canada) that has gotten the year 1982. If you want to be factually correct for any of the Dommions independence dates the year they signed the “Statute of Westminster”

As a Canadian, our Independence is 1931(for what matters to the rest of the world.) 1867 wouldn’t be considered wrong here either. The Statute of Westminster is significant because it made the nations who signed it equal to the UK in the empire. to put it simply Canada(and the other Dommions) was granted the same position as mainland UK.

How about some Canadian planes to spice this thread up?
Here is the CP-107 Argus.



Well its unfairness because Germany doesn’t get special treatment either. Its completely even right now. Just adding a leopard 2 because the leopard 2 is practically the best design platform mbt rn just removes the idea of nations in general. The claim that u call it Canadian just because Canada bought it is inherently disingenuous to the idea of nation tech trees. Like why would u want Canada tech tree if its nots even Canadian

Riggghhht and i’m the president of the United States, keep believing that.

Why have a Swedish ground if their tanks are just Russian British and German

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I just told ya what I taught in school. Which surprise, is in Canada. Also, let me tell ya some

The Canadian constitution doesn’t exist. Or well the document for all intended purposes does not exist. We are not taught about it in school. What we are taught about is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Because it does one thing only start a Civil War here in Canada.

The Canadian constitution is so unimportant to the nation that if I a Canadian who lived their whole life here didn’t do my own research I wouldn’t have known it existed.

The Swedish tech tree is okay in that we actually have Swedish vehicles, but yeah the special treatment of Sweden is terrible and its only going to get worse in general when they start spamming Italy with German vehicles from Hungary

Hmm hmm Ok. Cool.

Yes they do. Look at the Hunter F.58. No way in hell should that be in the German tree except for the fact that germany needed a 9.7 strike aircraft.


You also have them asking for Challenger 2 Variants:


Rheinmetall 130 mm Demonstrator - Future Tanknology

Because it’s a German development. It’s the same reason that German players are not asking for the Vickers Mk. 7 despite using a Leopard 2 hull; it’s a British development.

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Still a modified Challenger 2. If All Leopards must go to Germany because its a German Export vehicle. Then all Challenger 2s must go to Britain for the same reason. Cant have it both ways

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Literally no one asked for the Swiss Hunter. That’s on Gaijin.

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By that logic the Vickers Mk 7 is a Leopard 2 variant and should be in the German tree.

Ok then here is the deal.

Germany can get a Challenger if the UK can get a Canadian Leopard.


Why would we want a challenger. The leopard 2a4M or 2a6M isn’t even Canadian based at all; KMW advertises the upgrade packages to anyone who would buy them. The only country getting special treatment right now is Sweden because they want to monetize strv 122s to the max