Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

And even if you buy the mark, you still gotta grind for tradable coupon

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kkkkk 750,000 mission points. U have 2 chooses, live a real life or be slaved by the game.


There’s no way to buy the points for the coupon upgrade, right?

So if you want to buy the vehicle you’re most likely gonna have to order it on the market once the event is over.

And seeing as the requirements are so much higher than usual, there’s gonna be fewer vehicles for sale, driving up the price.

Honestly, if anyone from the administration (which is very unlikely) sees this message, then do as it says here

It is necessary to replace this block in this way (If, of course, you listen to the community, right?):

  1. Each stage opens for 30,000 mission points and brings a new reward (Did your senior manager fall asleep on the keyboard while trying to enter the number of points to receive the stage?)

  2. Rewards are issued for a certain number of completed stages:

    For stage 1: сhest with a random reward
    For stage 2 stages: one of the decal rewards
    For stage 3 stages: “Dragon Box” Silver Chest
    For stage 4 stages: one of the decal rewards
    For stage 5 stages: chest with a random reward
    For stage 6 stages: “Green Dragon” decoration
    For stage 7 stages: Camouflage on “Object 292”
    For stage 8 stages: non-tradable coupon for “Object 292”
    For stage 9 stages: Tradable coupon for “Object 292”

Better do it this way (At least it’s quite logical) before you get eaten by the community again…


I choose life, I will not be a slave for this vehicle


Reworded. Sorry for confusion.

The tradable coupon can be sold after 6 days from the moment it’s created.

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Honestly, everyone loves a good free fun vehicle from an event, but this is straight up bizzaare requirements for a sideline vehicle.


Np just checking

The fact that they want you to grind 45k in 2 days, when the most of the recent mission score grind events have only asked for 25k (IIRC). They have unironically doubled the necessary grind to achieve these milestones. Quite insulting to those of us that cannot dump 10 hours per day into a game…


750k mission score is in parallel with the tasks.

If you do the tasks you need 405k score for the upgrade coupon.


Hello guys here is my rant about this situation along side a suggestion of how to fix the grind and make the events better for everybody, id love to hear your thoughts.


yeah I misunderstood

40k has been more than enough for us to grind.


To all those no lifers that defended score based events instead of 3 out of 5 tasks based events I hope you are all happy now. Don’t you keep bragging that it’s easy and can be done in a couple of hours? Go…

I always played events for keeping the vehicles, not to sell them, but 750k will simply kill the Gaijin Market for the players, both sellers and buyers. Gaijin doesn’t care cause they can always add their own coupons there and profit more. They just reduced the offer and killed competition.


Yep. In Tokushu Heiki crafting event I managed to get 3 main prizes. 1 prize was 270k score. I got 3x LOSAT coupon for 810k score.

They got rid of crafting event, just to give us 3x worse crafting event.

GG Gaijin. You can’t ever trust this company with anything. I was praising the changes yesterday, where they forgot to mention that ridiculous 750k score requirement. Always 1 step forward, 3 steps back. Every single time. Never change, Gaijin. Never change.


I mean, I was excited for the new event cycle. Previously if I wanted to get tank and jet for event, I had to grind 80k/2days every 3 months. I expected it to be the same as before but with 1 vehicle, so 40k/2days, but more often, which would be not that bad. But with what you did to the coupon, 750k? That’s more than 40k EVERY DAY with 2-3 days of break between events, unlike 40k everyday every 3 months for 2 vehicles previously? Who the hell thought that is a good idea?


Yes this will be a very rare vehicle on the market.
I plan to buy and hold as many as I can…


rus players:why our vehicle with a eastern dragon?
chn players:why our dragon with a russian vehicle?


This is the most puzzling part to me.
"Chinese new year event - Year of the dragon themed - What says “Chinese New Year of the Dragon” more than…

Soviet Russia.

What was the thinking here??


Remember when event rewards were just tradable coupons you could sell off the bat instead of going out of your way to having to upgrade them?

I remember, but it seems the developers of this game forgot.