Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

I mean, I was excited for the new event cycle. Previously if I wanted to get tank and jet for event, I had to grind 80k/2days every 3 months. I expected it to be the same as before but with 1 vehicle, so 40k/2days, but more often, which would be not that bad. But with what you did to the coupon, 750k? That’s more than 40k EVERY DAY with 2-3 days of break between events, unlike 40k everyday every 3 months for 2 vehicles previously? Who the hell thought that is a good idea?


Yes this will be a very rare vehicle on the market.
I plan to buy and hold as many as I can…


rus players:why our vehicle with a eastern dragon?
chn players:why our dragon with a russian vehicle?


This is the most puzzling part to me.
"Chinese new year event - Year of the dragon themed - What says “Chinese New Year of the Dragon” more than…

Soviet Russia.

What was the thinking here??


Remember when event rewards were just tradable coupons you could sell off the bat instead of going out of your way to having to upgrade them?

I remember, but it seems the developers of this game forgot.


@PacketlossRedux @Flak_Dancer @Team_404_nyto @Apollo_1641 @Lattrell_Spencer
750,000 score is for a tradable coupon.


750,000 mission score adjusted to multiplier of 1.33 is 564,000 to gain free GJN…
At an average score of 1800 per match, that’d be up to 314 matches.
Honestly, not a bad idea for the tradable coupon. It should be more difficult to get.

John Snew has a last week battles in-line with that.
If you want the tank you’re not going for the tradable anyway.

It’s otherwise 360,000 score to get the vehicle itself, which I want so I’ll go for it.
I’ll just stop getting tradable coupons personally. I’ve been meaning to stop that for myself anyway.

This is a good change, they listened to us and made a great change.
No more GE spending for tradable coupons.
Gaijin’s going to gain less money but we’re making a healthier game.

I do 4k pre-multiplier mission score in 1.5 - 2.5 matches… A lot of my friends do as well.
Sorry, but skilled players aren’t cheaters.
These are the normal requirements for events, just one vehicle instead of 3 at once.

About time I posted this cause I’ll be scrolling for years at this rate.


Now watch them do chinese ship, that is gonna be placed in USSR TT


Gaijin Market was the worse thing that happened to this game.


Perhaps. It has been great for me. I get all the premiums I want for free.

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How is this beneficial for the game? What percentage of people is even able to play this game 5 hours a day, every day, for 360 days of the year and not even get the coupons which are even more insane? What value is there in creating an event that excludes the majority of the playerbase and making the coupon so hard to get that we’ll never even be able to own it?

I’d love to know the thought process behind this insanity, and why you can’t just create an event that actually allows the community to participate and be rewarded, have their time be respected and appreciated for once.

Delusional game design as always.


So no more Event vehicles of lower ranks work?

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Still the old ways rule.

45k every 48h is absolutely insane and you want to run this event cycle basically back to back ongoing?
Have you considered lowering that score to 20k mission points but doubling the stages to give people with a job and family at least the opportunity to complete the event?
You don’t need to give a reward every stage, just double the stages and give the rewards every 2nd stage.


Yes, it created rot where there are complaints about 750000 score to sell a digital vehicle they grinded for when it would just be cheaper to work 3 hours for the money for whatever vehicle they could get.

If you work, 8 stages is easier than tradable, and the $40 of GE is cheaper than the grind.


Don’t try to defend this by looking at my play time, I 100% play more than the average player.

Events before score you could do very quickly, i was talking purely about score events.

@AlvisWisla you complain about people getting mad at you but you post stuff like this defending gaijin for predatory practices…


There’s nothing predatory about this. It’s literally just one vehicle event.
This event is literally 3x easier than all previous events ever in the game.
I’ve been playing since 2013 dude.

If you have a full time job you shouldn’t be wanting to sell a digital vehicle on a digital market for non-currency.
Just gonna be real.

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I skip events and work extra time instead, in less than 1 hour I get the event coupons and a lot of free time to do whatever I want, including playing War Thunder just for fun. Worth more than any premium for “free”.

I would agree, if it were not for the fact that they have since sabotaged the market by making coupons untradable by default and making low tier vehicles not be coupons.


So basically you’re saying that people should give Gaijin 40$ every 3 weeks if they don’t have the time to do the event. That’s like the cost of a full game every 3 weeks. Did Gaijin work on this, like some people that make games, to justify this price? NO.
So stop justifying this predatory behavior.



If my numbers are right, that’s going to take you 693 matches.

Where does this come from? Have I got the wrong account? Your average is clearly less than 4k. I’m interested to know which lineups you find most comfortable, efficient and effective to grind.