Bushes were changed to be able to be shot off, why are their hitboxes so small now?

Did you notice a dip in sales and decided if they revert to their game abusing state you’d make more?

Why do you insist on making the worst possible version of your game instead of making it enjoyable to play?

Why does your post have no relation to the topic you created?


The hitboxes for the bushes never changed after the implementation. What are you even on about?

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"“general” “ground battles”

Which part are you confused by?

Yes this is factually incorrect information. You can review the effect of machine gun fire after the initial change then go ingame and test what it is currently.

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Where’s content about ground battles, you don’t mention tanks, planes, or hell even maps.


Bushes are only usable as customization by ground vehicles.

Ground battles.

You don’t mention bushes in your post, only your title, which is what the user was asking.

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Bushes are only usable as customization by ground vehicles.

There was no changes for their hitboxes.
Please do not make things up.