Bunker Busting Bombs

No - completely different weapons sharing no characteristics except that they are British bombs!

The Blockbuster in the game is a thin-wall high capacity weapon Tallboy is a thick-nosed penetrating weapon.

Yes, I’d prefer it as a TT, just because I love the Harrier and Jaguar craft, but started with Sweden and would love to finish it before I start another like I did when I started playing a few years back. Although, as an event vehicle, I would most likely force myself to grind it because of how much I’d want it.

You don’t want “bunker busting” bombs. They are ground penetrating (AP) with delay fuses. Just like the AP bombs in the game they produce very little blast and fragmentation effect on the surface. You would literally need to hit a tank right on the head with one.

Well, that’s why I said, introduce a mechanic to make them useful.

Its not useful. Gaijin would have to carve out specific target types and special missions for them to be useful ( sub pens, C3I nodes, etc.).
Ie: an’t gonna happen.
Otherwise all you are going to get is some historically inaccurate “Yurk Yurk Big bomb go boom. Durrrr…”

This is more of a mechanic for air gamemodes and less so for ground. Notably ASB or in the future possibly a RB EC.

Could also be of use if/when we get heavier naval vessels as well

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Actually, what is the difference also didn’t know that neato.

In essence.

Tallboy (and it’s big brother Grand Slam) were not designed to blow up the target but to penetrate protected targets like submarine pens or notably the battleship Tirpitz.

They were both also used to target railways, bridges and aqueducts, destroying them not through direct hits which were nearly impossible, but by penetrating the ground before exploding, create a small earthquake (where the name earthquake bomb comes from)

This destroyed the foundations and brought down those structures, even with misses

The cookies were just big bombs meant for dropping on cities, factories, etc like a conventional bomb, just really big.

That was the entire point, to add a new mechanic to the game, but you know, whatever floats your boat. I’d rather see cluster munitions first, but had to put the idea out there. CM’s won’t require a new mechanic for the most part unless they are “stand off” and can glide until its target.

Ah no… CM would be OP AF. As in wipe out entire game maps.

CM’s for Air RB/SB? I don’t really think so, as the great RNG gaijin gives us would put luck against skill. I meant it as a base bombing tool, not a AT-CM. One example is the Swedish BK90, which only has 72 sub-munitions, and the RNG of “unexploding munitions” will suck.

i would love to see bunkers added to Air RB that only bunker busters can take out. Right now its a fight to the 4 bases and half the team is going for them. They need to get more ground targets to go after. Yes there are small tanks and AA and stuff to go after but with jets you dont get a lot of time to hit soft targets. with bases its bomb then fight and get good xp and sl out of it.

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Anyway, what do you mean by “wipe out a whole map?”

Cruise missiles would not be OP at all. If they were GPS guided, then any tanks in GRB would just need to move.

We need more mechanics for aircraft. Way too many mechanics keep getting denied because they are either “too OP” for ground modes or “won’t be of any use in ground modes”

People do play aircraft outside of ground modes. It’s a bit like saying “No tanks can’t get spall liners. They would be no use for planes as they don’t have spall liners”


The relatively old CBU-87 has an area of effect of 120x240 m. Your average high tier aircraft can carry a dozen of them. Do the math.

AFAIK Gaijin has a policy of not restricting any ordinance to specific game mode.

LOL. To twist your own point, its perfectly fair and balanced that a bomber can ripple off some cruise missiles from spawn and call it a day in ARB?
The point being is that WT asitisrightnow, isn’t set up to handle weapons this powerful.

Wasn’t aware the Cookie was just a large conventional bomb neat.

And those aircraft are?

Oh, and to just completely ruin your point, unless it is an Anti-Tank Cluster Bomb, your not going to do much, maybe take out tracks and barrel, but what does that matter anyway. ATCB’s could be added, although, as stated, is most definitely OP, in its range or area, so for example a large group of enemies in a mediocrely sized area could be taken out by one 12k lbs bomb. Cluster bombs (HE) would be useful against open tops and light light vehicles like the Btr-80, BMP’s, and other “ultralight” IFV’s and Tanks. As for cruise missiles, that’s kind of their point, and purpose, take out enemies without risking your mens lives.

They’ll come eventually. Make a suggestion for it if you want to.

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CBUs are actually the preferred anti tank weapon for the Tornados. Would be the perfect buff for the Tornado WTD61 and a really interesting addition for the others as well. Many aircraft would greatly benefit from CBUs.

Considering they require launch conditions that would make them semi-vulnerable to SPAA (far more vulnerable than GBUs) they won’t be any more OP than large conventional bombs


Vulcan rather than f111. Gotta reduce copy paste whenever possible

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