Buggy vehicles, and game overall

My vehicles won’t turn, nor is the speed matching the normal speed the vehicles should have. Game lags like I have a packet loss of 1000%, I deleted, reinstalled, updated and almost burned everything to get this heap of… running just to get all of the above repeated again.

Are you using wifi, because the game really hates that and it leads to full-on desync, which will make some of these sorts of things be a thing.

I am using WiFi, but that is not the problem, after recent update the tanks simply won’t move the way they should. In order to move the hull of my tank, I now need to go forward a bit and then press A/D while holding W

I can tell you, that certainly, it is the problem… The game is absolutely problematic on wifi of ANY sort.

These are all signs of a connection quality/packetloss/desync issue. Your wifi, whilst traffic and other games work fine, this game, is different.

But I never had such problems before, the gameplay is working nice, no lag. No signs of packet loss (like flying tanks)

It is just that my tanks behave quite out of the ordinary with their movement. Like when someone inverts your controls, that type of weird movement. Like, maneuvering around obstacles now demands I play around with the buttons before figuring out what works best the W+A/D combo or hold S and then W+A/D. Holding A/D alone while stationary just makes my tank “roll” an inch per hour downhill or uphill.

Either way, I’ll try to figure out more stuff before blaming it on WiFi. If nothing works, thank you either way for quick replies!

Figure out desync, and how it affects you because that’s what this is…

Wifi is just that bad, as it’s not a constant connection, and is prone to interference and packet jumbling.