Bug report for the m44's driver view

I am making to hopefully bring more attention to this bug that has been around since the m44’s introduction to War Thunder if anyone is willing to help bring attention to the issue, please check out my bug report on the bug report website and mark it as also having the issue since its an issue with the model itself. Any help bringing this issue to attention is appreciated.

BUG REPORT (more info on the bug and a video of the bug is available below):

This is happening to all vehicles with windows, the british/south-african Ystervark, Ush-405 and 204, every vehicle did use to have in the vehicle, but now its infront of it.

I have no idea if it is a bug or not, but its happening to most vehicles with windows sadly

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m56 has a similar windshield and has the driver view behind the glass, in fact anything that has a driver completely frontally exposed to the elements with a windshield as an exception has this (M3 GMC, m56, some other nations stuff I’m 90% sure )