Buff Starstreak

We get it you guys like to baby russian players and they cant handle a few small tungsten rods attached to a helicopter, but seriously you guys need to buff the penetration on the starstreaks, its ridiculous


Sure, as long as it’s not able to be first spawned.

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yeh thats fair

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You need more pen for what? It’s already can kill any spaa or ifv.

But not necessarily every Heli

Though hopefully the new Heli damage models will help with that

Its not even the penetration, its the force it hits with, the shrapnel and the warhead. According to Thales the missile hits the target with 1000KJ of force. It then send hundreds of metal shrapnel through the target. The missiles warhead then explodes. Im convinced that in game there is no shrapnel and there is no warhead explosion. Its just the 3 darts ripping through the helicopter or plane.

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Did you see the video from current events? Actual footage of Starstreak in combat.

It hit from the rear. The projectiles were largely invisible, no flare on the back for everyone to see, there was a small explosion and the tail of the helicopter just separated. Can’t remember if it fully separated or not, but the helicopter just dropped.

Try that with the current implementation of Starstreak : “Hit”

Buff british spaa? add more better british spaa? pffft here have a strela

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I suspect we’re getting rapier some time this year.

I still struggle to understand why they didn’t just add LMM to the stormer.

Proxy fuse and not having to deal with SS being so fast their server code can’t keep up which leads to the phasing.

It’s the perfect solution, but of course we got the strela and osa which no one asked for rather than actually fixing the issue.

I really hate this dilution of the trees. Everyone has a leopard, everyone has a t-72 or t-80 variant. It’s boring, lazy and unimaginative.

May as well just do mixed battles 100% of the time at this point.

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Dude idk why we havent added LMM Martlet either and thats a multi-role. They do everything they can not not make us the best.

It baffels me why they added those, the OSA is pointless seeing the Rapier coming soon, and the strela could have been easily replaced with a Starburst or an LMM carrying vehicle. And its not like the british tree was added yesterday and they need to fill the gaps asap, the gaps in the spaa tree has been there for literally years now, why not just wait a bit longer to then add unique vehicles?

The only explanation I can think of for the strela and osa is they feel bad for leaving the stormer broken for 7+ months, meaning you had to use the chieftain marksman until 11.7 when the adats unlocks.

Yeah, they left the only spaa between 8.7 and 11.7 being totally broken for 7+ months.

(I’m mostly joking)

I think gaijin genuinely doesn’t understand that some people don’t want to use Russian stuff. Did the tree really need the bishma? Putting aside the shocking levels of ignorance in putting Indian stuff in the British tech tree which, if I was Indian I would be downright insulted, there were far better candidates for a squadron vehicle than some crappy tank with gun handling from the 50s, shockingly awful gun depression and a -4kph reverse gear.

Hits target with 1000KJ, warhead detonates and then sends shrapnel everywhere. Not what we have in game. This is test footage. Literally 1 hit kill. Not 3 hits.

Like look at this! VERDI-2 Warrior IFV/SPAA

With the announcement that they’re working on multi-vehicle air defence systems, I’m really hoping we get land ceptor.

Fires CAMM :

  • CAMM: > 25 km (16 mi)
  • CAMM-ER: > 45 km (28 mi)
  • CAMM-MR: > 100 km (62 mi)

It would be epic.

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I have the starstreak but i never used it since im still busy grinding a lineup for it, but from my experience from the test drive it does pretty much kill with one hit everytime, my issue was actually hitting things under 2km because the missile just zips past them so quickly

Oh, that’s down to the lack of automatic leading in its implementation.

In reality the system does pretty much everything. Designate the target and fire.

Spas could really do with a patch cycle to improve them significantly.

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The Bhishma is one of the best vehicles in the 10.0 area for Britain. Kinda funny that the best British ground vehicles are the foreign ones.

Starstreak launchers should have martlet missile as optional choice. (Proximity fuse instead of kinetic) plus we won’t have problem with it as first spawn AA weapons.

Thats not the poimt hes making