BRs of T1 Heavy and M6 seem a bit low?

My first question was about to be “why the M6 is lower than T1 Heavy” but I already found out T1 Heavy has 10 times better reverse speed… Now I am concerned about their overall rating, why are they so low? Great gun, T1 Heavy with T7 has insane APBCHE with 180mm of pen for same BR as Tiger H and Panthers… Maybe the engine is a bit too weak, though im viewing arcade and anything above 1000hp is no problem… great gun elevation angles, great turret rotation speed, firerate is good, and holy crap you get 37mm gun and three 50cals, decent (not good but decent) armor - what makes this tank so low in BR? Some pitfalls?

upd after test drive: holy crap it even has neutral steering and gun stab, only the 90mm T1 Heavy doesn’t have one… seriously why aren’t these tanks meta?

Maybe it’s due to USA players being one of the worst in the universe.


For being heavy tanks the M6 series doesn’t have much armor.

as a suffering-hardened former French main I believe Panthers and Tigers are quite good for their BR (though Panther gun is really point and click and tank anything in front of you), but these three tanks… look better than everything I can imagine on this rank


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wait until you realise the Archer has 190mm APCBC at 2.7.

The T1 family of tanks I wouldn’t call undertiered, a British 75mm or 6pdr will still punch through them with ease.

neutral turn isn’t a make or break and its only a “quick stop” stabiliser so fundamentally useless in game outside of a few situations where you’re going so slow it wouldn’t matter with a bit of skill.

If you want an example of an American heavy that’s underiered (mostly from player skill issue) the T26, T34, and T32 are all just insane for their BRs they shrug off even the most powerful guns at their BRs like its machinegun fire

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one word - explosive filler

though the British vehicles I have played are quite nice. Archer though is awful, takes too long to turn around, I dont think I ever got a kill from like 5-10 battles I played with it. It’s one of the few vehicles where good gun doesn’t make the tank good at all

and yeah, I am going for Super Pershing because it’s the legend from WoT and I hope it’s still as good here in WT (though obviously my main target is Abrams AIM, that’s why I changed to playing America, will have a good trained crew soon). Though the gun elevation drive confuses me, wouldn’t it always break from random HE, bomb schrapnel or arty hits?

and I gotta agree, honestly T34 (just like T29 and T30 which are sadly premiums)… just look at them and you know you shouldn’t mess with them, just the guns are huge

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I never really play 2.7 but when I have its a cracked sniper. set up on a hill about 1.5km from a contested point and you remove anyone who dares. Its gameplay is far too campy for my liking.

anything HESH is unfortunately the same, although the centurion AVRE is insanely good on advance to the rhine, I often top frag in the thing on that map as its mortar works well in CQC.

Super pershing is very good in WT but a glass canon which is weird for a really well-armoured tank because the elevation system is on top of the turret and acts as a “shoot here for a humiliation kill” on the vehicle

yeah, that system… I will fire a 155mm HE real quick at the tank front and… yeah 2 hits and it’s gone. And considering the lower turret part isn’t covered with spaced armor it’s just another weakspot

Its armor is more based on the 1930s ->early '40s. So its armor was rather strong for that time frame. However, later on its armor was weaker due to better shells and stuff.

they have paper armor… I used to kill them all the time with ease because their armor is horrible. So, while being a heavy tank, it is disadvantaged in 2 ways, bad mobility compared to similar guns and the armor makes a miniscule difference.

In the midst of all uncertainty there are only 3 things that can forever remain certain:

  1. Taxes
  2. Death
  3. A Smart US Main is Rarer Than a WT Player With a GF

As a recovering US main, I still find myself relapsing into unskilled, blind, random advances into positions still heavily covered by enemies in my Kungstiger. It seems almost as though you can take the Player out of the US TT but you can’t take the US Main out of the player.


can I be considered skilled US main?

also, I personally think german mains are dumber, muuuch dumber. Every time I had them while maining the French, we were losing (I wouldn’t do much in ARL with nerfed reload anyway)

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Same other way for me. I think US (and French) are the most dumb.

French past tier 1 are the most skilled players in the game lol

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rb-promoting players are those who cannot handle anything in the game going faster than a snail

Not really. Compared to the main competitor the tiger 2 h they have better mobility and handling but significantly lower grade guns and armour. It all about trade offs and the shells on that tank despite the description bounce anything that isnt nearly flat plate. They are good for the br and should not move up.

Tiger II? but it’s a bit above 5.7, the max rank of the toppest T1 Heavy w/ 90mm… you’d still mostly meet Panthers and Tigers