Bro why did gajin nerf the 2C Bis?

The explosive mass used to 1 shot ANY tank at 1.7BR, now it doesnt, stupid russian company nerfed the round from 16.9KG to 7.6KG, typical gajin, i paid 16 dollars for this, you better let me have some fun for spending 16 DOLLARS on a tank

You make it seem like sense you paid something they owe you something. In reality they do not owe you anything. Anyways, if this “nerf” is realistic to the shell in real life then it should be like that. If it is not then make a bug report about it being unrealistic.

Also this in the wrong section. This needs to be in the machinery of war section so it doesn’t get locked.

alr my mistake

I am pretty new to the forums, i just went here to whine about the nerf, you dont need to come with a aggressive but mutual approach

It’s all good.

I can see that your new, and I didn’t mean to be aggressive with that comment. I see people asking for their money back once a vehicle they bought is nerfed all the time, just because they think that Gaijin owes them something for paying money. I just wanted to point that out right off the bat.

But like I said, it’s probably realistic to real life and you just bought it at an unfortunate time. They won’t give you your money back if you already used it. If you haven’t then you can make a ticket to WT support and ask for it back, or the equal amount of GE/GJN coin credited to your account.

Also another sidenote, just because you pay doesn’t mean you bought fun. Trust me I see people asking for this all the time 😂

I understand your frustration. When you buy something you pay your money given the specs at the time and often you make your decision based on the fact that the item has something that makes it superior to the opposition and that’s what encourages you to spend the money. To then be told to just suck it up when it’s downgraded substantially isn’t good enough. After all, if you bought a car based on the fact that its performance was better than most, only to have the dealer lower the horsepower considerably the first time you get it serviced you’d be very pissed. The amount of times people shell out for a new premium on the basis that it’s somewhat OP only to find it soon gets nerfed is regular enough to make one wonder if it’s not done deliberately to generate sales that they wouldn’t otherwise get if the vehicle was released with accurate specs to start with.

Damn, thats crazy, but thanks for being a nice person, i will understand now that i am late, typical i guess, thanks

Yeah, you’re right, i heard this happens alot so id better get used to it, thanks,


Lol yeah. I accidentally bought the German rocket half-track awhile ago and didn’t realize it until I looked at my GE balance and it had gone down like halfway. I made a support ticket almost immediately and was able to get my money back, so I can confirm that if you accidentally buy something and don’t use it they will give you your money back. At least GE vehicles.

I try to be nice, but sometimes come off a little strong. I’ve also just been seeing a lot of very rude ignorant people today so that didn’t help either.

I don’t quite understand this, but okay

No problem mate :)

Hit me up if you ever need help on these forums or just want to squad up some time