British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Anyone got more information about the radar on this?Also, that’s a very different Skyflash(next to magic) being shown there haha

Still would be at least historically accurate at least, we are also missing AIM-9Ls for both F-4 UKs (FG.1 & FGR.2) but apparently it would be “unbalanced” 😂 (F-4EJ Kai).


It would cause them to be uptiered to 11.7

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Thomson-CSF Agave radar, as used on Super Étendard

It’s in service in India as Jaguar IM, carrying Sea Eagle AShM


Shouldn’t really, Tornado F.3 has 9Ls, much better radar, better Skyflashes and is still 11.3, why would the FGs go up?


Tornado F3 isnt

Yeah no, look at the F-4S with slats, AIM-7F and HMD all at 11.3 just like the F-4 UK. Even if it got the AIM-9Ls it should remain at 11.3 without a doubt.

AN/AWG-11 was a British AN/AWG-10 license-built by Ferranti. The radar used was AN/APG-60, and AN/AWG-11 is a slightly modified AN/AWG-10 in that it’s compatible with AGM-12 Bullpup and WE.177, so that British F-4s can perform nuclear strike missions if required”

Apparently the Radar carried in the F-4K (FG.1) was also compatible with the AGM-12 (which we also lack in-game).


The better argument is that we can get prototype aircraft like the Yak-141, then a prototype missile that is already in game should be a minor addition. Especially as their performance would not be game breaking.


True, I’ve had the F-4K (FG.1) specifically for over 2 years now and never had it been a “competitive” or “unique” jet before. If Gaijin is willing to introduce the YaK-41 in-game and especially with flares (which historically it never operated), there shouldn’t be a issue with the SRAAMs being implemented onto the platform.

The F-4 UKs also lack decent Air to Ground ordinances like the AGM-12 and adding these types of missiles will make CAS with the jet much easier (instead of using Dumb Bombs).

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They were competitive when they were the only jets with PD radar but not anymore

GR7 is capable of firing AGM-65Ds, which are superior to other options at this moment in time.
All Japanese aircraft, except the R2Y2s, are based on real aircraft & aircraft prototypes, even if the real prototypes weren’t armed [J7W1 & Kikka].

@galaxygms @Morvran
Tornado ADV is arguably under-BR’d, but still doesn’t change the fact that F-4 is a superior dogfighter to the Tornado, and is only ~0.7 mach slower.

In either fashion, either F-4FG1 gets 9Ls and goes to 11.7, or EJ Kai drops to 11.3.
As much as Aim-7F is superior off the rail to Skyflash, Skyflash still performs extremely well for head-on engagements.
And F-4’s PDV mode is really strong for now.

None of that changes the fact though that SRAAMs could give the F4s exactly the edge they are currently missing and give them some much needed flavour.

Also its PD with no IFF, making it useless in SB

There is a difference between “could’ve” and “didn’t”.

Aim-9Gs are superior to SRAAMs in range & flare resistance, so eh.
I know I’d never use SRAAMs, just a flat out inferior missile.

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I’d prefer short range all-aspect 50gish missiles rather than rear aspect 18g missiles, and giving a plane multiple options also makes it generally more enjoyable and longer lasting.

That the answer given by Smin when anyone asks about giving the various Phantoms Aim-9L’s.

I guess maybe Jaguar International prototype but from airshow ?

I hope gaijin could add AAM-3 instead AIM-9P on F-4EJ KAI & increase to 12.0 or 12.3 Q4 this year

Due an upgrade, should have 1.8km range and all aspect. More like an R-60M with 40G pull and no flare resistance. Id take them over 9Ls. Especially when things like F4s and Tornados are inferior in a turn fight to the competition

Though hydra is right, more options the better


I don’t care for FGR2, so its BR going to 11.7 won’t impact me.
But FG1 with 9Ls would be a neat 11.7 for me since that’s the Phantom I care for in the British tech tree, HOWEVER, there needs to be more rank 7s first.