British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

AJS37, slowly pitches down in flight manual, stabilises like the jag with damping.

Honestly stabilises better than jag.
If you want an extreme in the other direction, flanker pitches to space manual, and stabilises as well as the flanker can with damping.

Yeah, jag feels like it needs 0.1% more

Loathe as I am to say it, the 16C and the AJS37 are the best ones I’ve found.

Actually, Gripen A is a perfect example of it. Without damping, pitches down. With Damping, immediately stabilises.

Just had a “wait a fricking moment” thought.

One aircraft we havent tested yet.

Tornado F3. Does it as well. No wonder I struggle so much with “flying low defeat R-27ERs”. Its a pain in the arse to keep at a steady height, especially at low alt.

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We are both very sharp individuals apparently. Found a few other than Tornado tho.

To follow on from this I’d also added this to the report;


(video is the RAF Typhoon take off with BOL IR being dispensed)

From this video we can make out the individual packets;

Start of the release of 3 packets


First packet develops



Great job completely debunking yourself.

You’re aware the F-15s didn’t/aren’t going up? They are staying at 12.3, despite having a fantastic flight model and having 9Ms.


You see the argument that had with US main
i was comparing the F15 to M4k saying how the f15 has things that are better the M4k despite being lower br and his response is just funny

Sea harrier
may i go on this a British weapon thread not a yank cope thread


Sorry mate, Swedish documents say the BOL pods were for the F15C which isn’t in game

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Don’t forget the FGR2 missing 9Ls, I know there are many planes missing missiles or other armament in the tech tree but the 9G to 9L is the biggest jump out of all of them

It’s missing quite a bit unfortunately. All British jets are.

Whilst 9Ls have basically been hard denied by gaijin for “reasons” it could get AGM-12s and wing mounted tanks

Fuck it, all aspect SRAAM’s were advertised. Better than nothing, take 2 9G’s and 2 SRAAM’s.

British F-4 Phantom II : Balance, Air and Ground Ordinances and Radar -  Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

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Those would be awesome for so many jets. Jaguars too

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Assuming they were put in properly. Which is a big ask for British stuff.

Jag is likely, but no solid proof as of yet. But they certainly need an A2A buff but less than 9Ls

Or they could give us a second jag with better kit across the board and an actually well done model.

But aside from that, yea. Something’s needed.

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Until the AMX goes up I honestly thing the Jag could very much get 9L’s and be 10.3.

AMX has (arguably) better FM, more LGB’s, and 2 9L’s. Meanwhile you are barely subsonic with not very good turn but good AOA in fairness.

However 4 SRAAM’s with the true all-aspect, full 2KM range would be fantastic and pretty much perfect for balance IMO.

Yeah, that would be so good.

Yeah, they really would. Especially as they would have virtually no flare resistance I think. So would be easy to defeat by anyone paying attention

And yeah 9Ls would probably be fine at this point. Either that or Jag Gr1A needs to go down to 10.0