British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

2S38 on the soviet tree is so new that it hasnt even entered production yet.


double standard
and see a developer trolling launch stinger at 4000m


I’ve made it so clear how I hate these arguments. Like sometimes a nation’s strong point is WW2 or not MBTs.

Like I’ve said before I’m not too well versed in the ANZAC stuff I know Australia was able to make their own Sabers but I have no idea about their domestic production after that.

Obviously, I know more about Canada. For modern ground, we have our domestic APC(yes the LAV program is an APC) and on the air side of things post-WW2 everything up to the Voodoo and Hornet was built by Canada. (well expert for Navel jets to use on our Aircraft carriers(yes Canada had some))

Related argument C&P.

This one I find the worst of all. Like I bet we could find enough evidence to give the US a Churchill.
Like if it could fight the enemy of course the military is going to use it.

I have a few more things I’d like to have vented about but I’m already pushing the limits.


The question is if it gets implemented properly or ends up like the Aim-9B FGW2 i.e a carbon copy of the 9L

Hello smart British people. I am curious about if the RAF Phantoms were ever (accidentally or purposefully) fitted with more advanced versions of Skyflash.

Will be a copy of aim 9m just with smoke

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I hope so, the FGW.2 should have been a copy of 9E but the snail decided otherwise


Nope, only Baisic Skyflashes. There were no Skyflashes Super nor Active Skyflashes on the phantoms. The fact that Skyflashed do shenanigans in WT is separate topic.

I think it was just that Dechirped Sidewinders werent planned. AIM9L/Is dont fall under that


It’s not a carbon copy, the latter has the distinction of being heavier with absolutely no benefit

The benefit is that the seeker head is (slightly) better at flare resistance and target detection. Slightly.

Not even towards the end of their service life in the 90s?

Nah, The Supers were created after phantoms were out, and only on the TEMP, that is why we have SuperTEMP. When it comes to Active is is based on STEMP so also no.

The Supers were created at the tail end of the tail end of the Phantoms’ service not after. But yeah it’s sad to see them severely lacking against aircraft developed 20 years before they were put out of service.

Then maybe they got into service after phantom retiered? Im nearly sure they were flown after phantoms were out

There was a couple of years overlap where the SuperTEMPs and Phantoms were both in service. But the Phantoms days were severely numbered by then so there was no desire to waste time / money clearing SuperTEMP for use.


same reason f14s didn’t use AMRAAMS i think

I see, thanks :)