British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

untill they decide to look up a little and see a mantlet

Oh for sure, believe me we’re a far cry from the actual CR2 still, but it’s good enough to tank a few rounds to the UFP and turret

from what i’ve been told, there should defo be liner on the mantlet

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Idk, all i get in my cr2/3 is auto shot to the gunner/commander side of the mantlet that removes both of them and my gun

Shouldnt the Cr2 carry a Cr1 tactic, so the mantlet is the strongest part in the turret front?

Please tell me you have sources, I beg you haha

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Nope xD i try

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Crying hahaha

Well, we need someone to go to Bovington, jump into a Cr2 and send us some pics

anybody got that photo of a cr2 turret lifted up, looking up?

!!! The elusive “Right side of the turret…”

Well, the longer i look at it the less Cr2 it looks like to me

This is an Abrams

It’s a shame it’s so low resolution that I can’t see what’s by his legs properly lmao
Go figure

I love that This is labled as a Cr2 photo… well, time to delet

Welp, maybe one day we’ll see what’s on the right side of the breach LMAO

Cant give you that, but i can give you the Ps6 controller




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