British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Finished the report, and I’d hope not haha, I’ll ask what’s going on with it.

I assume it’s just waiting for the flare/chaff rework.

Im now imagining RAF engineers mounting one on top of something like a jeep

Had some fun with the Starstreak lately;


Yes it kills even more consistently that other missiles, especially against Su-25s it’s very nice to use

lil Hawk 200 with an ALARM on its wing




Also Hawk 200 but with Sea Eagle



Popping this in here becauae it affects multiple aircraft

Been doing some messing around in various jets and noticed that the HUD indicator in the cockpit for what the missile is locked onto appears to be broken in the:

Jaguar Gr1 and Gr1a
Harrier Gr1 and Gr3 (need to double check the Gr3 but i assume its the same)
And Sea Harrier FRS1

Previously if i recall correctly. The small cross would align with the target but now it just stays in the middle of the HUD. Anyone got any information on how its suppose to function so that i can submit a bug report.

Thanks in advance

Seems to be anything using that HUD.

Yep, they all look the same, but didnt know if they were the same display or not, or just looked similar

If you do report it include clogs and screenshots of the issue (using the ingame function.)

Yep, I’ll do a detailed report, including images/CLOG for all 5 aircraft.

Can you do a CLOG for test flight?
And do you think one bug report for all 5, or 5 individual ones?

But it is suppose to show the AAM lock then? Main thing I wanted to double check. No point bug reporting something that isnt a bug



Might be getting old but I’m just such a fan of it))

I’m not sure that gajin consider skyflash active radar guided ? but sounds good

Nah, unfortunately there’s little to no information about it, it’s better just to have AMRAAMs.

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BAe Hawk 200?

Yep, my beloved…

And something I hadn’t noticed before and you can see on the picture, is that the demonstrator version has 2 Aden 25s in the lower part of the nose, behind the radar. Later on due to the development problems they were removed in favor of the already familiar Aden 30 pod on the belly.

Hawk 100 with Maverick:



Hawk 100 with Brimstone and ASRAAM:



Hawk 200 with Skyflash:



Do we have any information about these tests, and whether they were ever integrated? I know Maverick was integrated onto the Indonesian Hawk 200s

Also, do we have any images of the Hawk 200 flying with AMRAAMs, or at least mounting them on the pylons?

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That’s as far as it goes unfortunately. In fact I haven’t even seen a picture of it carrying a BVR missile in service, only with sidewinders.

Also, something odd:


This is said to be the ZA101, which is an Hawk 100, it theoretically doesn’t have a radar… haha