British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Doesn’t appear to be any on German aircraft, take the ASSAT1 couldn’t use them?

@Gunjob Have you got any information about the terminal phase for the AJ.168’s attack?

Without the ASSTA3 with GBU-54 LJDAMs, seems there isnt anything. HOSBO glide bombs would have been possible which can be GPS guided

The main post of this thread has a detailed write up


Regarding if there is planned an update to the attack logic for the missile?

Im no Gaijin, but dont expect anything any time soon.

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As per

The HOB for the DSU-33 should be between 5~35 feet (1.5~10 meters), and Battery life is 200 seconds.
(JDAM’s initial spec for battery life was for 60 seconds, but was found to be exceeding 90 during developmental testing, Later configurations may have improved this further).

Could the Griffen C carry JDAM-ER ??

The Gripen was at least tested with them, though I don’t know if the South Africa picked it an an option.

I mean all the SA gripen ever used in service, at least as far as I know, is dumb bombs, Iris-T, and tested A-Darter. Nothing else really, so what we have in game seems to be open to anything the aircraft is compatible and not what it’s country actually used.

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NEED I hope its added for a GR7a or GR9 so its ready for Typhoon and austalian Hornet

They also had R-Darter integrated, but didn’t use it. Very similar with A-Darter though A-Darter isn’t used because they can’t make an adequate example, whereas R-Darter was deemed noncompetitive and work started on the replacement missile Marlin.

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[Spear-3] to be fired later this year (

Now hand me your HARM muahahaha


We’ve got the Stormer AD! It doesn’t bother me enough to report, but the radar band is incorrect — it should be E, not I. The RA-20 radar can fold, and I would expect the RA-20S to do the same, but it doesn’t in game.


Panhard M3 VDA with its RA-20 folded

The only thing I really miss is the 3rd-person target lock feature available on the Stormer HVM, Gepard, Chieftain Marksman etc. I’m not sure what this feature is called, but I find it incredibly useful.


Cue to radar, and yes, it is missing

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uhm… wheres the shoulder 9L and GBU-15s on the 111C?


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It also seems to be missing TWS on two targets. But I’m not sure if this is implemented in game for ground radars. I think the Pantsir and Tor have that

The only TWS we have in game is for Tor and Pantsir track radars. TWS is not implemented for any search radar, but is reportable, so they will probably introduce it in the future.

some configurations are only accesible with custom loadouts, it’s not very handy