British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

I already tried to report it back in the day pointing out the ‘human mistake’ as they obviously copy-pasted the gun from that Sparviero italian premium boat without even considering a slight difference in vessels sizes, but a certain tech mod closed it instantly, because even for such an obvious issue you have to provide all the docs in the world for them to even bother taking a look at it. (I don’t have any docs on the matter, and neither have I seen any posted anywhere)
Also while at it you may take a look at Fairmile D (697) 2.7 boat and its torpedos, then check the same torpedos on any plane that carries them, like Firecrest, Wyvern or Firebrand, just for yet another confirmation on what kind of attitude the devs have towards british tech.


And don’t forget that the 21’’ torpedo is missing torpex explosive which means it has less TNTe than the aforementioned 18’’ torpedo


My favourite though is still Alecto’s HEAT penetration, a solid proof, that gaijin’s staff flat out doesn’t know, how to read, it’s like the guy was looking through all the docs available to find the lowest possible value to put into the game, didn’t bother that 110mm is for 30 degree.

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funny fact, someone did actually report the torpedo issue on the old forums, like a week before they were closed. i dont think we will be seeing that change any time soon

as for the peacock/orla ammo count and speed, they have been reported before but as usual it was denied for the same silly reason.

EVEN funnier is that they actually had 56 kmh top speed, but that is the “sprint” speed, which is temporary (even if it can maintain this speed for extended periods)

I wonder if any Soviet ships have their “sprint” speed as their max speed. God knows the SKR is blatantly busted. M-17 is also bullshit.

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Seems about right. We aren’t even on the list.


Oh god, yeah that thing is busted. Seen one tank a full broadside (12x 6 inch shells) from the Belfast

We aren’t on there lmfao.
At this point how badly we’re ignored isn’t even a joke.


Britain are in war thunder ?? XD


I just found it, so im going to drop it here for the future
2:37 Archer on the MAN truck

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Why only 15s for Skyflash and more for the others

Because Gaijin has decided the Skyflash can’t be in the same class as the AIM-7F/M (in the same way that it has a worse seeker than the 7F wtf) because of the range disparity probably.


Was thinking that myself. should be equal to Aim-7F/M at least. (though I think the IRL number is like 60+ seconds)

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That is the time it can guide, not it can relock

Yeah I mean I’d assume so, Skyflash basic mind you is 2 years later than AIM-7F, compared to E2 it has “improved electronics” as well as the obvious inverse monopulse seeker, improved proximity fuze seems odd they gave 15s and only to Supertemp? Not the basic one?

Atm the only thing Skyflash does better than AIM-7F I think is track rate?

I dunno you can compare the AIM-7E2, F and Skyflash and Supertemp here at your own convinience


@Flame2512 would you be so kind to drop us some info about in what timeframe Skyflashes can relock?

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It seems that about 7 seconds is the practical limit. That is for obtaining an initial lock though, rather than re-locking.


Thanks, thats interesting. So the seeker for some reason started losing “strength” after 7 seconds. I wonder what caused that. Probably some shortcomings due to inv monopulse being a new technology then and it needing time to be perfected.