the LEP isn’t just one tank as LEP means life extension programme so it includes a few but im hoping for the LEP which was the CR3 prototype
I think it was more due to Iraq, from what i understood the crews loved the L/55 conversion. but it would have been a horrilbe idea to refit the tank fleet when Iraq had just kicked off.
The thing is also space is already a hot commodity inside a tank and when that tank is internally designed from the ground up to use 2 piece ammo it is probably very hard or near impossible to convert that into 1 piece ammo without losing space and ammo capacity.
That’s why the CLIP only had a modified turret with 6(+3)rounds in total
Who told you that? The shells were just staning on the floor (who cares about safety?)
Do you have anything about Vickers mk.7 bin?
It is extreamly annoying dying to random shrapnell from turret pen detonating the ammo. I doubt UK will store charges just strapped to the wall/floor, and the bin we have in game is a c&p of Chieftain bin.
Turret ammo stowage of 6 rounds, taken from Challenger 2 CLIP (Challenger Lethality Improvement Programme) - Great Britain - War Thunder - Official Forum
Oh, so they did that finally. I read there were plans for that but they stored the rounds on the floor
Not a big tank doc collector, my focus is pretty much aviation.
Im hoping you might have something in the tech mod secret stash
I cant find anything that would prove the charges bin existed, i know it should but i cant prove it
British airways flight BA1918 is ready for departure from gate 6.
Alternatively we could be given a Harrier GR.1 in the tree and have the premium one replaced by G-VTOL, the sole T.52 prototype, which was used to test out the SRAAM and has a pretty interesting history
Photo of the Vickers Valiant’s ammo rack
Driver’s position viewed from turret basket. Note motorcycle-type handlebars with twist-grip throttle below PPE Badger night sight, and 30-round spare ammunition stowage bin to driver’s left, forward of loader’s station. 30 ready rounds are stowed in turret basket.
Thank you, but now i need to find the bin at the back of the crew compartment
Is there any posts about the Churchill? I want to know the specifics of the mk IX. I know it would be an up armoured mk III but would it be enough for a mk VII level of protection?
Flame you have turned up some wacky stuff but “yes co-pilot get your flare pistol and let loose out the side door” probably beats the “yes let’s put 9Gs on a Bomber” and the De-chirping. or the Red Tops in the TSR-2
Now we wait for the 25mm ADEN’s, CRV7’s, and Shrike.
Ey that’s something, will make night battles a lot easier than flying blind.
A bug about Firestreak and Red Top beeing too slow in russian that got acknowlaged