British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

So for GR.1 yes, but for some reason the GR.1A manual states LGB’s on the inner wings and centreline only.





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Probably because you need to drop symmetrical loads on the outboard pylons, so you’d need to drop two Paveways at a time.

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Ah, makes sense. Thank you!


More GBU only on the Indian one then…

What about the 500 lb paveways? were they ever fitted to the jag and would they have the same limitations as the 1000lb paveways?

GBU-12 are cleared for use on the GR.1A (have a report in for them). But the outboard pylons need to be symmetrical, you can’t carry a Phimat without the AN/ALQ-101-10 for load balancing reasons. Same with the bombs, dropped in pairs.

So in short the GBU-12 would also need to be dropped in pairs so not viable.

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The Aircrew Manual and CTTO Jaguar Strike Study seem to imply that all wing pylons need to be symmetrical (when they talk about asymmetry they do not differentiate between the inner and outer pylons).

Interesting, how did they plan to operate any GBUs from the wings then haha.

I wonder if we will ever see the SRAAM changes implemented

I’ll break out my poking stick.


Poke the snail with intent


So Hawk T.2 can be armed then?


Isn’t that explicitly talking about the Hawk T.1?

They specify that the Red Arrows use the T.1 for display role, so when they are talking about the other roles they are referring to the T.2, at least thats what I understood.

The banner at the top says Hawk T.1. Also it’s a sales advert and the UK Government is not selling Hawk T.2s. But it is selling the Hawk T.1s we’re planning to retire


Brochure is a bit of a mess as it has Hawk T2 photos on the front page and specs for the T2’s Adour 951 engine. But it has Hawk T1 specified in the top-right.

DESA is an MoD agency for the sale of surplus (i.e. retired) UK military equipment, which would be T1s. I’m not aware of us selling any surplus T.2s yet, and sales of new aircraft (i.e. Hawk 120s) would be done by BAE and the Foreign Office rather than MoD.


Really appreciate it guys :)

did any of the jaguars/buccaneers carry PGMs or other guided munitions?

The Buccaneer S.2B carried Martel missiles.

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what planes are the top right and bottom middle ones?

Bottom middle looks like F-5


Top right I’m not so sure? A-4 Skyhawk maybe? Or Supamarine Scimitar?

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