British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

It was built and functional (pretty sure), I’m not sure which vehicle it was tested on though.

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I don’t know about the X, but here’s one with the XR

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As far as I know Active Skyflash only ever existed as various mock-ups

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I mean it would function as a normal Skyflash with a ARH seeker so even if it was a “mock-up” it still is enough to be added into the game (in my opinion).

dont say that <.< people will start demanding the LFKNG missle again

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I think it would just be cleaner and simpler to see AMRAAM added. The only existing aircraft we have that I think could ever see a ARH is the Tornado F3 I reckon and it would be better to get AMRAAM. Niche/rare missiles have a tendency to be forgotten/low priority and tend to be problematic. SRAAM and Red tops have had issues for a long time and only SRAAM are being worked on currently. Personally I’d prefer to avoid niche missiles like this.

It would be interesting future addition for a retro-active addition maybe. But when entering an era of ARH missiles. I’d prefer to get the AMRAAM purely for the quick bug fixes.

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Well lets hope when the British Tech Tree actually gets ARH missiles it gets implemented on actual good platforms like the Sea Harrier or Hawk 200.

Due to

A) Sub-Sonic
B) Low hardpoint count
C) FRS1 missing features

I think Sea Harrier FA2 will be soon/first with AMRAAM in the britain tree. Tornado F3 could also see them. But doubt in the first update with them.

I’ve heard Gripen could be added with South Africa, but I’d kinda hate that addition personally. Hawk 200 would be cool, but I think its a more major addition than the Sea Harrier FA2 which is just an upgradaed FRS1. Heck, even the engine is already in game. Its almost a Copy paste of 2 existing jets. Thats too easy for Gaijin

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Yeah we won’t be getting anything competitive for a while unless Gaijin gets their game together (extremely unlikely).

Hmm… Whilst it will certainly have its disadvantages (And I doubt it will have Aim-9M from start)

The Sea Harrier FA2 should be actually half decent. Not the best, but usable. Currently, the Gr7 can actually go toe to toe with things like the Mig-29/F-16 if flown right. Much of that should also be true for the Shar FA2. Combined with what should be the best radar in the game and some half decent fire power and it might actually be usable.

The biggest question will be, what will it be facing. It’ll likely be BR12-12.3 minimum. But what other AMRAAM carriers will be added besides the Gripen. We just don’t know

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The Sea Harrier FA.2 is probably our biggest and most realistic bet, it won’t be overpowered like the SU-27 or F-15A but with combination of a amazing Radar and good Missiles will make this Aircraft a potent Fighter.

With the possible addition of Anti-Radiation Missile the Sea Harrier FA.2 with its ALARAM Missiles could also pose a decent threat against vehicles like the Pantsir and with the combination of Dumb Bombs this could also somewhat be used as a “Multirole” which the British Tech Tree desperately needs.

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ALARMs are a maybe for it from what I understand. based upon the forum page at least its “yet to be confirmed”. If we get anything other than Cluster/Dumb Bombs it will probably be Sea Eagle (ASM). If we get ALARM, then that would probably go on Harrier Gr7/Tornado Gr1.

But from the perspective of SB, even just a handful of bombs will be great. Torando F3 has a big issue in SB that is pure A2A jets struggle in the economy. Having something that can dump a few bombs is going to be great.

The main interesting in the FA2 for me though is not A2G. I think the Gr7 and Gr1 have that covered adequately. Yeah, a multirole would be great. but I dont think we’ll get that properly until Typhoon. But its A2A power. I think its better suited for the brawling we have in WT.

Bug reported the Harrier GR.3 missing CRV7 rockets: Community Bug Reporting System



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Quick question…
Would it be possible to carry GBUs on Jaguar’s outer wing pylons?

So for GR.1 yes, but for some reason the GR.1A manual states LGB’s on the inner wings and centreline only.





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Probably because you need to drop symmetrical loads on the outboard pylons, so you’d need to drop two Paveways at a time.

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Ah, makes sense. Thank you!


More GBU only on the Indian one then…

What about the 500 lb paveways? were they ever fitted to the jag and would they have the same limitations as the 1000lb paveways?

GBU-12 are cleared for use on the GR.1A (have a report in for them). But the outboard pylons need to be symmetrical, you can’t carry a Phimat without the AN/ALQ-101-10 for load balancing reasons. Same with the bombs, dropped in pairs.

So in short the GBU-12 would also need to be dropped in pairs so not viable.

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